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Lighting concerns underneath JFK Causeway

Front of House Manager at Snoopy's Pier Kevin Anderson said, "It can be a little scary at night."

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — A business is voicing their concerns over the lack of lighting underneath JFK Causeway along the road toward Snoopy's Restaurant

The area gets a lot of traffic but is very dark at night. The area in question leads to several restaurants including Doc's, Snoopy's and Scoopy's. 

Front of House Manager at Snoopy's Pier Kevin Anderson spoke with 3NEWS and said he has some safety concerns for not only staff, but customers in the area as well. 

"It can be a little scary at night," he said. "When you have cars, all lined up here, you know you can't really see anybody coming down this way. So some people they tend to speed through here," he explained.

When the area receives rain, it creates pools of water which becomes another concern at night.

"People want to drive around those, they don't want to get their car all dirty and muddy," Anderson said. "It's a mess out there. So, some lighting could help." 

The manager hopes that something will be done soon to keep the area well lit.

"That is our busiest hours, when the sun goes down," he said. "People want to come out here, see the view outside near the water." 

3NEWS reached out to TxDOT and the City of Corpus Christi. TxDOT sent this statement:

TxDOT maintains safety lighting at the exit and entrance ramps on the east side of the JFK Causeway bridge as well as on the JFK Causeway itself.

TxDOT is working with the city to develop a plan to add lighting at the turnaround under the bridge on the east side. (The area roughly south of the Billings boat ramp).

The City of Corpus Christi said it was is in agreement with the TxDOT statement. However, neither the city nor TxDOT gave a timeline as to when this plan could start nor details about what it could look like.

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