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Local delegation heads to D.C. to advocate for water desalination plant

Mayor Paulette Guajardo says the desalination plant is key to the economic development of the area.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — A local delegation is headed to Washington D.C on Tuesday to find help with desal applications and permits.

The group of some 45 Coastal Bend elected officials and business leaders will meet with key elected officials to advocate on behalf of our region.

Mayor Paulette Guajardo says the desalination plant is key to the economic development of the area.

"We are the water producer, provider and distributor for 500,000 people. An entire region that's made up of seven counties which is very important," she said. 

"So we have the process moving forward but right now we need to go advocate and let them know the importance of the permits being released to us and processed because we're still waiting on that." 

Guajardo said there is also a need for military construction funding to establish a child development center at Naval Air Station Corpus Christi.

The trip is being sponsored by the United Corpus Christi Chamber of Commerce.

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