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Local resources help residents pay utility bills

Catholic Charities, Nueces County Community Action Agency and the Salvation Army all have programs for those who need assistance paying bills.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — If your bills are too high and you don't know what to do, there are several agencies that might be able to help including Catholic Charities.

"We take the first ten callers on Monday morning at 7:30," Emergency Aid Program Director Anita Rivera said. "The first ten callers and we ask them for their name and telephone number and then it's just that simple."

Rivera said their aid program has helped many each month.

"Unfortunately we have to tell a lot of them that we already took the first ten callers, but like all day long we do have calls coming in for financial assistance, so we know the need is great," she said.

Contact Catholic Charities

The county also has several programs you may qualify for if you need financial help like the Nueces County Community Action Agency.

"The vulnerable would be for the disabled, the elderly and children from zero to five," Service Director Diana Hernandez said. "And then they have to qualify and they have to meet the poverty level that we have which is up to 150 percent of the poverty level in Nueces County. The vulnerable people that qualify those will have assistance up to 12 months and then the non-vulnerable will have six months."

Hernandez encourages people to stop by a fill out forms to see if they qualify.

Contact Nueces County Community Action Agency

A third agency that offers help is The Salvation Army.

If you go to their web page you will find forms to fill out to request assistance.

For some, that help can come quickly.

"We write out the checks and we send them directly to the companies," Rivera said. "Whether it be the rent, the lease person or the utility company."

Contact The Salvation Army

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