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Luxury RV park plans given the okay in Tuesday's council meeting

Just South of Port Aransas along Highway 361 is where a developer has gotten the okay to build a luxury RV park complex.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Update: Council gave the green light to build the luxury RV park complex on Mustang Island at the July 30 city council meeting.

(Editor's note: The city clarified on Thursday that the item would be pulled from the consent agenda. It will be revisited at the July 30 city council meeting.) 

The city of Corpus Christi told 3NEWS on Thursday that plans for a luxury RV park are not on pause, despite facing opposing landowners. Instead, there will be a vote to determine zoning on July 30. 

On Wednesday afternoon, we found developer John Pieprobon working on his tract of land he’s owned for decades off of Highway 361, just a few miles north of the Mustang Island State Park. He was clearing the land after council approved his rezoning request to allow him to build a luxury RV park complex. 

"We try to build a hotel and a luxury RV park upscale which is going to be international coast to coast," Pieprobon said.

City councilman Dan Suckley told 3NEWS this won't be your grandpa's usual RV park. 

"This luxury RV park is just one portion of his overall masterplan for that tract that he has," Suckley said. "It’ll be a luxury RV park but he’s also going to have some single-family residential lots he’s going to be developing, and a high-rise hotel and also a small retail strip center."

Pieproban is set to meet with the General Land Office for final approval so that he can begin construction. That, after working with state and local officials for years to make this happen. 

"It was great that we paved the way for this developer to spend tens of millions of dollars on our community and build what appears to be a first-class property," Suckley said

However, later in the day Wednesday, there was a big development in the deal which council had already signed off on. 

"We’ve learned today that two more individuals have come out in opposition, which I think we only sent to four or five landowners, so that makes it like over 70 percent in opposition so it can’t go on the consent agenda next Tuesday," Director of Development Services Al Raymond said. "So, it will have to be pulled."

That means that Pieproban's project will have to be revisited at the July 30 city council meeting before being able to move forward. 

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