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San Antonio man donates half of his liver and his kidney to his cousins

Many on transplant lists wait years before they find a donor that is a match. But for one family – that angel lives amongst them.

SAN ANTONIO — Millions of people in need of organ transplants hope they find someone in time before their health conditions continue to worsen. Two young men in need of transplants have the privilege of knowing their donor.

Behind the four walls of a home sitting off of 5400 block of Cielo Ranch are three cousins. Two of them have received a life-changing gift, thanks to another cousin.

Jalen Crimiel donated roughly half of his liver to his cousin TJ Taylor in 2022. Seven weeks ago, he donated his kidney to his cousin Austin Jackson.

“I was just glad I was able to help my guys out,” Crimiel said. "We have a pretty big family. Somebody was going to be a match, somewhere and it just happened that I was a match for both."

In early June, Crimiel and his cousin Jackson were in the hospital for a kidney transplant.

 “Things are better now that I don’t have to hook up to the machine anymore," Jackson said. "I’m still recovering but I’m way better now.”

Jackson has been facing challenges with chronic heart failure and chronic kidney failure.  One of Jackson's female cousins stepped forward willing to donate her kidney but due to unforeseen medical reasons she couldn’t proceed. That’s when Crimiel stepped up.

“Once I knew that I was a match, we went through all the tests and they were able to give me the go ahead, and then we moved forward," Crimiel said.

Life has been looking up for their cousin ‘TJ’ too.

“It was kind of agony," he said. "I was in constant pain. Up until my surgery, then afterwards, I was actually living life.

Two years ago, Crimiel donated roughly half of his liver to Taylor.

“Ultimately, I’m just glad that everything was ok, they’re feeling better," Crimiel said. "I’m good so things worked out as best as you could hope for."

Crimiel says he doesn’t feel he’s lost anything. He’s gained everything.

“Things worked out as best as you could hope for.”

If you would like to support the family's journey to recovery, click here to learn more about their GoFundMe page.

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