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Mathis officially has a new police chief

Guillermo Figueroa has many new plans for the city, and gaining trust is a top priority on his agenda.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Mathis Police Chief Guillermo Figueroa was officially given his title less than a week ago.

"I am happy to be the chief of police for Mathis," he said. "I think, especially because I know what needs to be done."

His background not only helped him build his résumé, but prepared him to rise to this occasion.

"Being in the Marine Corps has helped me throughout my career," he said. "You know, given that leadership; having that honor, courage and commitment."

After the controversial departure of previous chief Scott Roush, Figueroa knows and understands that he must work twice as hard to regain citizens' trust.

"That's why I want to have that open-door policy with the public," he said, "so they can have any questions or you know, where they can always come in and talk to me."

He said he has many short-term and long-term goals that he wants to implement.

"We're in the talks right now with Mathis ISD to be able to implement an SRO (school resource officer) for the schools," he said. "So we can have an officer there with the schools at all times."

Although Figueroa has been the acting and interim police chief since February, he still had to undergo the official selection process, according to city manager Cedric Davis.

"Instead of it being a one-on-one interview with the city manager, I invited a law-enforcement panel to be convened." Davis said. "And on that law enforcement panel that was convened, there was over 100 years of experience sitting on that panel.".

That included a local justice of the peace, the San Patricio County sheriff, the San Patricio County constable, and Davis. 

Davis said his expectation for Figueroa is simple.

"I need a chief that was going to go in there and straighten out our evidence room and things like that," he said. "Get some stability to the police department, and so the community can see a stable police department. They can see new officers coming in, and a person just motivated to bring those things to the city of Mathis is what that panel was looking for."

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