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Memorial Day commemorations took place across the Coastal Bend on Monday

Veterans Band, honor guard paid their respects at the Coastal Bend State Veterans Cemetery on Monday morning.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Monday was a day to honor and remember the lives of the people who gave the ultimate sacrifice, across the Coastal Bend and the entire country.

This Memorial Day, Corpus Christi neighbors and community leaders honored those fallen service members in a ceremony at the Coastal Bend State Veterans Cemetery.

Flags were placed at the graves of each service member laid to rest at the cemetery as the names of those killed in action were read during the remembrance.

The Veterans Band of Corpus Christi was on-hand during Monday's ceremony to play ‘Taps,’ as well as the honor guard, to present the flags to remember servicemen who died in action.

“We have the opportunity to walk around free in this country, and this is a blessed country that we are in,” said US Army veteran Will Jackson. “And it’s so important for us to come out and honor our fallen brothers and sisters who served their time."

Army veteran Kenneth Ames said the day means a lot because he gets to reflect and remember his time serving, as well as those who fought before and after him.

"A lot of times people sit there and go ‘They weren't even here when they were fighting the wars,’ but what people don't understand is us helping out other countries is helping us,” Ames said. “By us doing that, it's making sure that freedom is felt throughout the world, not just here in the United States."

After the event, family members stayed behind to lay flowers to honor loved ones buried at the cemetery.

USS Lexington by the Bay Memorial Day ceremony

A service also took place on the USS Lexington where fallen service members were honored.

The Veterans Band of Corpus Christi also played on board the ‘Lady Lex’ as the flags were presented, and families of servicemembers both active and who have died were invited to Monday's ceremony.

The event ended with a special wreath-laying ceremony in the water by North Beach.

Robstown 10-mile Ruck Walk

Continuing to remember those whose service included sacrifice also was the mission for this group, which took to the streets of Robstown this Memorial Day.

The group took on a 10-mile ruck walk, and organizers said the walk is about shining a light on the holiday’s meaning and honoring one of their own. 

“When I was younger, I didn’t know anything about Memorial Day,” said Marcos Alvarado. “Then I joined the military. And unless someone is directly affected by it, they really don't understand it, so when they see us walking around with our flags and stuff and the kids ask ‘What are they doing? Ya know? They have the opportunity to tell them: ‘This is what the day is for.’ "

Larissa Garza walked in honor of her brother, Cpl. Rogelio Garza Jr.

"To have them just, walk in honor of those that have fallen, it hits home,” she said. “It’s amazing. These guys: they were there. They were out there. He was in the same infantry with my brother. Marky, Mel -- just to see them out here walking, it’s an honor. It’s a true honor. I can never thank them enough for this."

Portland commemorates Memorial Day  

The city of Portland held an evening of remembrance at the Portland Community Center.

Portland Mayor Cathy Skurow addressed those in attendance with a speech honoring eight veterans who died while serving who once lived in Gregory or Portland.

“This is a special honor for our community to be able to treasure the sacrifices these eight souls did and to help preserve our freedom and our liberty in our country,” she said.

The Veterans Band of Corpus Christi was also in attendance, providing a beautiful musical tribute.

A Mass also was celebrated at St. Christopher's by the Sea hosted The Rev. Robert Certain, a retired Air Force veteran and a parish priest who flew B-52s during two combat tours in Vietnam.

Three of Certain’s crew members died when they were shot down in Hanoi.

"It’s not about barbecue,” he said. “It’s not about trips to the beach. It’s about remembering the fallen. It's not about thanking veterans for their service, because that comes in November, and so that'll come. Armed Forces Day will come. Today is for those who fell in death."

Certain currently is the interim rector of The Church of the Messiah in Gonzales, just east of San Antonio.

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