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Could downtown Corpus Christi be getting a new parking garage?

The Downtown Management District said they are still in the very early planning stages and will discuss more in Tuesday's city council meeting.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Talks of a new parking garage are in the works for the downtown Corpus Christi area. 

The exact location of the garage is still undecided, but it is projected to be a $17 million project. According to Alyssa Barrera-Mason, Director of the Downtown Management District, the demand for parking has gone up 11 percent post COVID.

"Parking is important to a downtown and its development," Barrera-Mason said. 

Mason added that they are being proactive to make sure they can accommodate parking and the demand as it grows in the next few years.

"We are considering a few sites in the downtown Marina Art District," Barrera-Mason said. "Really focusing on the area around the large scale users like the education service center, appraisal district and police headquarters."

According to the final presentation that will be presented to city council, the garage is estimated to cost $17.5 million and will have around 700 parking spaces, charging customers $1 an hour to park. 

"This area was developed before most people even had cars," Barrera-Mason said. "It makes it so much more important for us to plan how parking occurs downtown to keep that sense of place that draws people down here while creating space for them to park their cars."

The Downtown Management District said they are still in the very early planning stages and will discuss more of the planning and development at Tuesday's council meeting.


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