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Nueces County makes progress in clearing 90% of their cases over a 5 year period

The criminal case completeness percentage is a variable Nueces County Judge Barbara Canales watches to make sure the County is meeting its initial goal.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Nueces County has made progress as it works to get in compliance with a state mandate to clear 90% of its cases over a five year period. 

If that doesn't happen, the county could lose millions in grant money. 

Back in May, Nueces County was at 88%. Now, it's up to 90% but county leaders are still sweating the last 10 days. 

"The district clerk right, her office will be watching those numbers every day and they'll be giving me daily reports from now until August 1, to make sure those numbers only go up, not down," said Nueces County Judge Barbara Canales. 

The criminal case completeness percentage is a variable Canales watches to make sure the County is meeting its initial goal. It's how the state monitors whether counties are either prosecuting, dismissing, or reaching a plea deal on all cases in a timely manner.

"And we have a reporting period of five years and in this case its 2016 through 2020 and we must maintain an average by August 1 of 90 percent of cases that have been disposed of," Canales said. 

One point under 90% and Nueces County and all of the County organizations that depend on state grants could loose funding. The courts have never really recovered from the pandemic.

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