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Only grocery store in Taft is closed, leaving grocery shoppers with few options

City leaders are asking other grocery chains if they might want to open up in Taft.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Residents in Taft are concerned that the old Lowe's Market is slowly being turned into an Ace Hardware store, leaving shoppers with no other alternatives.

For decades, Lowe's has served as the only grocery store in town. 

Taft resident Kay Putnam said that she feel betrayed by the store's upcoming closure.

"There's no place else to go and a lot of people don't have cars, so now, we're officially a food desert," she said.

Mary Stewart has been the Lowe's manager for several decades and will continue to run the Ace Hardware store once it's renovated. She said her and her staff were already selling Ace Hardware items in the grocery store for the past five years. 

"It's not gonna be a big difference because we were working grocery and Ace together," she said.

Many people said Taft did not need another hardware store, but instead, a grocery store complete with a meat market and produce section.

"I think they did a disservice to the people in Taft and they gave like a two week notice," said Taft resident Evelyn Sinast.

Taft Alderman Ward 2 Al Molina said he along with other city officials have been trying to see if another grocery chain would come in and help out. 

"I have contacted corporate. H-E-B and I made several attempts, in which the bottom line was with H-E-B, if it's not making money then it's not going to happen," he said.

The First United Methodist Church of Taft have been working to ensure the elderly have food on the table.

"We have worked with H-E-B in Sinton and the H-E-B in Portland, and then the Walmart in Portland," said Pastor Scott Patton. "And we can get their food from there that they're going to be getting rid of, and then we disperse it on Mondays and Saturdays. So we try to help out in that way."

Taft residents have one other option too. Their Dollar General has not only beefed up its grocery aisles, but it is going to start selling fresh produce soon.


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