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Orange Grove man recovering as the two pit bulls are taken to Alice dog pound

Robinson described the fight for his life after stepping in to keep the animals from attacking his wife Friday afternoon.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Disclaimer: Some details of this story might disturb some viewers

An Orange Grove man was mauled by two pit bulls and is currently recovering from his injuries Sunday at CHRISTUS Spohn Hospital - Shoreline.

Jim Wells County Sheriff Danny Bueno told 3NEWS that both dogs have been captured and taken to the Alice dog pound, where their future will be decided.

David Robinson was rushed by HALO-Flight to the hospital after the vicious attack on Friday afternoon when he stepped in to keep the animals from attacking his wife.

The couple tried to pick up a bounce house for their son's birthday on around 3 p.m. Friday in the 200 block of North Vasquez when the two Pit bulls came out of nowhere and charged at Robinson and his wife, Monica Garcia.

"It was the scariest thing because it happened so fast and I was helpless,” Garcia said. “He ran to protect me because if not, they would have attacked me and they both attacked him, so he saved me and I was just standing back helpless.”

"I was trying to fight them off of me,” Robinson said. “They drug me through the caliche into the grass and I was still fighting them, and one got me in the neck and the other one was trying to get me in my arm and he was ripping my arm open."

The carpenter and father of five children is alive and should make a full recovery. In addition to a grueling recovery, Robinson is not sure how he's going to pay his hospital and HALO-Flight bill. Robinson said he does not have health insurance and is unsure when he will be able to return to work.

"That's my husband,” Garcia said. “He's got a good heart, and he loves me more than anything in this world, so yeah, he has made the ultimate sacrifice, and it almost cost him his life.”

The family has set up an online fundraiser to help cover the costs of Robinson's medications after being released. 

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