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Someone to Know: St. John Paul II seniors volunteering

Two seniors at St. John Paul II High School, Josiah Salinas and Kimberly Cifuentes, are volunteering at Driscoll Children's Hospital during their fall break.

Two seniors at St. John Paul II High School, Josiah Salinas and Kimberly Cifuentes, are volunteering at Driscoll Children's Hospital during their fall break.

"It just gives you a feeling like nothing can compare to. You're giving back to the community and to a children's hospital, and that's just awesome," Salinas said.

The students have actually been volunteering there for more than two years. They do things like help out in the gift shop or go around and sell snacks to employees and others.

Both said the school requires them to perform service hours, but they liked it so much it has become a year-round commitment on their part.

"It's rewarding because I know that I'm helping others and that's something l love doing," Cifuentes said.

Every Saturday and Sunday they show up for a four-hour shift. Those who work there said the two are outgoing, happy and always smiling -- a perfect fit for the children's hospital and for the title of Someone to Know.

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