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Vendors boost holiday income while shoppers find one-of-a-kind gifts at Peppermint Lane Holiday Market

The Coastal Bend showed up in crowds and supported local-- which was the boost some of these vendors needed.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Downtown Corpus Christi was packed with local vendors and food for the Peppermint Lane Holiday Market.

Businesses all over have felt the effects of inflation. That's why Peppermint Lane invited as many businesses as they could to boost their income before the holidays.

The co-business owner of Stitchflip Fashion, Justin Cutcher, spoke with 3NEWS and said, "We actually lowered from $10 down to $7.50 to combat inflation. We've taken a little bit of a hit, but we don't want everybody else to take a hit because of stuff that is out of our control."

The event was held on Mesquite Street. Mostly all the vendors were local, but some weren't able to make it out. 

The event coordinator of Cats Market, Conni Eechols, explained, "There has been quite a few vendors that have dropped out because they just can't keep up with what's been going on in inflation and the economy in the moment."

The vendors that were able to make it had some struggles of their own recently. The owner of Pop's Socks, Marquez Williams, told 3NEWS, "One of the things that kind of declined was retail because people were more worried about the necessities that they needed to purchase for the holidays or just get through the month."

Peppermint Lane is an opportunity for small businesses to giddy up and make money before the holidays, and that's exactly what took place.

"Honestly, we didn't know what to expect but it did way better than what we would've hoped for already." Abigail Curry said. She is the Co-Owner of Pop's Socks.

The Coastal Bend showed up in crowds and supported local which was the boost some of these vendors needed. Even for the ones that lowered the price tag a bit. "This has been one of the busiest weekends so far," the owner of Adelina Grace and Potz Plus, Connie Mirabal, said.

"They've been way more willing to spend at a lower dollar amount that a high dollar amount. It's been way beneficial for our business." Cutcher added.  

When locals shop local, money stays in the community and enriches it. Cutcher told 3NEWS, "This has been the biggest blessing on our business. We've been able to completely expand everything we've done and bring in more products and really just chase our dreams."

Peppermint Lane will be held every Sunday until December 18th.

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