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Petition urges County Judge Barbara Canales to close the Nueces County Courthouse

“Nueces County should be shut down again; we opened too soon, only essentials," one resident said.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — A petition that started just 18 hours ago has already seen over 100 supporters on a popular website, change.org.

Nueces County resident, Alyssa Jerideau, has created an online petition calling for the closure of the Nueces County Courthouse in the wake of public officials announcing five of their employees had tested positive for COVID-19.

 "The County Courthouse reopened to the public on June 1st and as of today, there have been five confirmed cases and the number of cases are steadily increasing by the day. We challenge County Judge Barbara Canales to close the Nueces County Courthouse to the public once again to ensure everyone's safety. We also ask elected officials to encourage staff to work remotely until the number of cases has decreased," read the online petition.

Jerideau, who is an employee at the courthouse, has set a goal of reaching 200 supporters for her online petition, and so far 135 people have signed it online.

“Nueces County should be shut down again, we open too soon, only essentials," stated one resident in the comments.

The online petition which features a picture of the Nueces County Courthouse has been circulating Facebook. The petition encourages both the public and other employees to be proactive in the fight of keeping the community safe and healthy. 

0 have signed. Let's get to 200! From March 18th until June 1st 2020, the Nueces County Courthouse has taken proactive measures to ensure the health of all employees and citizens by closing to the public. We have managed to work within the building with out any cases of Covid-19 for 3 months.

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