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What to do if there is a power outage near you

Here is a list of some helpful reminders ahead of some major rainfall expected to make its way to the Coastal Bend this week.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Strong storms can often cause power outages and even though you know it's a possibility -- some may not know what to do when it happens.

3NEWS reporter Madeline Salinas joins us in studio with a few tips you need to know ahead of the weather event later tonight.

It is important for those with medications that need to stay refrigerated-- to keep it cold during a power outage.

This can be done by having a cooler and a chemical ice pack ready to chill those medicines.

If the lights do go out at your home-- here are some tips to stay safe: 

  • Stay away from any sparking equipment or downed powerlines.

  • Never remove debris within 10-feet of a power line.

  • Unplug major appliances to protect them when power comes back on.

  • You can also leave a light on, so you know when power is restored.

  • Refuel heaters, lamps and generators outside, never burn charcoal indoors

  • Do not let children carry candles or oil lamps

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