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Premont ISD making plans for having kids back in school Wednesday

One of the biggest problems the group is trying to tackle is figuring out a way to get the school lessons to the kids who stay home.

PREMONT, Texas — Schools in the Premont Independent School District are set to open Wednesday night, and on Monday the district held a meeting to map out their strategy for doing that.

Staff and teachers in Premont have gotten together in three different groups trying to come up with solutions on how to handle not only the first day of school but the rest of the school year. Spring Break 2020 is about to end for Premont students and its these educational professionals job to come up with a game plan to teach the children who show up and those who decide to stay at home.

"If we didn't think it was safe we wouldn't have school," Premont ISD Superintendent Steve VanMatre said. "I think there's a reason to have school, particularly if you're convinced with the best information we have that it's safe to come to school."

Natalie Garza is a 5th grade teacher there. She also has a son in 2nd grade, and the bottom line for her is that she feels safe and school is the place for kids.

"I've never experienced something like this in my career," Garza said. "My son is in the second grade so he's in a crucial stage that he's close to doing the STAAR test, and I feel Premont has the capability of overcoming this situation and giving the best education to all of our students."

One of the biggest problems the group is trying to tackle is figuring out a way to get the school lessons to the kids who stay home.

"For the students who aren't here, for whatever reason, we have an obligation and responsibility to educate them as well," Garza said.

There was some talk of using Google Classroom, but then there's a problem of a bad cell phone signal in and around Premont. The district does have a couple of buses it could send around to act as hot spots.

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