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Rally held outside Corpus Christi Federal Courthouse to voice concerns about Supreme Court's abortion opinion

"That is terrifying to think that is a medical freedom that is going to be taken away," said protestor Adair Apple.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — At the Federal Courthouse in Corpus Christi, protestors gathered to make their voices heard in our community. 

"We are here to protest what's been going on in the Supreme Court since the document was leaked letting us know that they are likely going to overturn Roe V Wade that's been established law for almost 50 years," said protestor Adair Apple. "And that is terrifying to think that is a medical freedom that is going to be taken away."

Another protestor said that the possible overturning could have "huge ramifications on our community".

"Taking away the right to a legal abortion, and I realize that they're just kind of putting it in the states hands, but so many states, especially Texas, are so anti-abortion," said protestor, Ronnie Vela. "And it's not going to eliminate abortion, it's going to eliminate safe abortions-- so you're still losing lives and you're probably going to lose more."

Similar rallies were held in other Texas cities Tuesday.

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