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Public leaves frustrated following special meeting regarding repairs to Bob Hall Pier

Nueces County Judge Connie Scott said she was not supporting option five, against Nueces County Pct. 4 Commissioner Brent Chesney's recommendation.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Frustrations were felt by several people joining a special Nueces County Commissioners meeting to discuss the agenda item of the future of Bob Hall Pier. 

The decision involves whether commissioners will rebuild the Mikel Mays restaurant that was initially on the pier before Hurricane Hanna destroyed it.

Tensions were high in Tuesday's meeting, which aimed to vote on which option commissioners would move forward within their next design phase for the new Bob Hall Pier.

There were five options presented. Option one was the least expensive, and five was the most costly.

The fifth option includes plans for a restaurant in the rebuild. More than two dozen people showed up in person and virtually to support option five, specifically, to bring back the Mikel Mays Restaurant. 

Nueces County Judge Connie Scott said she was not supporting option five, against Nueces County Pct. 4 Commissioner Brent Chesney's recommendation.

Her reasoning was the lack of funding in the county's budget. When commissioners voted that option down, many stormed out of the meeting. 

"I am absolutely appalled at Judge Scott's actions. The islanders supported her; we thought she was fighting for our best interests. I'm glad Commissioner Chesney was for us, but she obliviously isn't," said Coastal Bend resident Sandy Graves.

Mikel May's owner, Merida May Mendoza, said she was shocked but thankful for the community support.

"I'm disappointed because I feel like they let the community down. They didn't just let me down, I'm just a small part of the community. The way I look at my restaurant, it's part of the community. I built this restaurant to give something to the community," she said.

County commissioners ultimately voted for option three, which means they will move on with the pier's redesign and consider rebuilding the restaurant later. 

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