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Representatives tour unaccompanied minor facility in Driscoll, Texas

Cloud toured the facility with representatives from other states. During the tour they learned the process a child goes through once they are admitted.

DRISCOLL, Texas — Michael Cloud and several other U.S. congressmen completed their Texas border tour on Friday just outside of Driscoll, Texas.

Their last stop was at an unaccompanied minor facility on Highway 77 that houses close to 200 undocumented children -- this particular facility housing just girls.

Cloud toured the facility with representatives from other states. During the tour they learned the process a child goes through once they are admitted. He said minors are given medical care, food to eat, a place to sleep, and there are even classrooms and a playground.

As he walked through one of the hallways, Cloud said he saw a piece of artwork on the wall drawn by one of the children. He said the words written on it brought him to tears.

"Sketched very beautifully, 'I miss my mom,'" Cloud said. "And it's a heartbreaking situation."

Cloud said within the past couple years centers like that are operating at full capacity due to an increase in illegal immigration along the Texas border. He said the next step is to bring the border to Washington D.C. and said he hopes that will lead to informed policy making.

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