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Road improvements in Corpus Christi 10 years after the death of Kimberly Encinia

Just over $62 million dollars later, the City completed over nine road projects to make it safer for everyone on the road and sidewalks.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — The City of Corpus Christi has made improvements to help protect the lives of cyclist and pedestrians. 

10 years ago Kimberly Encinia was killed in a hit and run while walking to a church for a Valentines Day event. Encinia was hit on McArdle Road, with the tragedy bringing much needed attention to street safety. 

Sarah Munoz is the Deputy Director and Assistant Director of Public Works Traffic Operations of Corpus Christi. She said their priority is preventing loss of life on their roads.

"We intend to act before lives are lost. Creating streets that are not only safer for our drivers but also our cyclists and drivers as well," said Munoz.

Corpus Christi City Council member Ben Molina said that projects such as Vison Zero have spearheaded street safety, and reduce the dangers of injuries to residents. 

"We realize that's an issue for our city," Molina said. "And so the idea behind vision zero, we make improvements to reduce the amount of fatalities and injuries to our pedestrians and cyclists." 

Molina helped in getting Vison Zero to the Coastal Bend. He adds that road safety is important to him and said it's something everyone should care about.

"My daughter, she walks to school every morning, we walk to school every morning," Molina said. "My son bikes to school and that's always in the back of my mind. There's people in a rush in the mornings, or in the afternoons, going to and from work. That's why it's very important to me because it could be my kid." 

The City has a few ongoing projects and said they will continue adding better and safer for the community. 

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