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Shooting on Seville drive sends one to the hospital

One person is recovering in an area hospital after police say they were shot early Tuesday morning on Seville drive and Greenwood drive.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Corpus Christi police arrived at the home on Seville drive near Greenwood early Tuesday morning after 5 to find the victim. Details do remain limited at this time.

One neighbor told her husband she thought she heard fireworks blasting off but her husband said those were not fireworks.

Detectives collected shell casings for what they believe is a handgun and looking for surveillance video to see who was in the area at the time of the shooting.

According to police the victim was a male and alone outside when he was shot. No arrests have been made.

This is a developing story. Stay with 3News on-air, online, and through our mobile app for more information.

You are asked to call 361-886-2600 if you have any information that could help detectives.

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