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Skidmore-Tynan ISD set to build new high school campus

The new facility is expected to open its doors in August of next year, and is the first new high school to open since 1953.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Skidmore-Tynan Independent School District is getting a new high school along with the district continuing to receive an A plus rating. 

Superintendent Rick Waterhouse said the district received an A plus rating prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Teachers were concerned about the learning loss when virtual instruction was first introduced, but managed to get the high rating. 

Now, the district is preparing to open a new high school, which will be the first high school built since 1953.  

"This is the first new high school since 53. We're very excited. You can see the construction going on out here, its going to be a great day," Waterhouse said. 

The new facility is expected to open its doors in August of next year.


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