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Special white-winged dove hunting days begin Labor Day weekend

Although the regular season doesn’t begin in south Texas until Sept. 14, there are some special dove hunting days with different rules coming up.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — For many, the return of college football and the opening of dove hunting season make Labor Day weekend one of the most anticipated holidays of the year.

In fact, it is estimated that in Texas, some 250,000 people participate in dove hunting and for them, the opener might as well be a state-wide holiday.

Here in south Texas, the regular season doesn’t begin until September 14, but there are some special dove hunting days with special rules that may have you hearing the sounds of shotguns as early as this weekend.

Capt. Ben Baker is a Game Warden with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, and he has a reminder for hunters.

"Dove season does not open until Sunday, September 1," Baker said, "And when it does open, it is a special white-winged season, so hunting does not start until noon that day.”

Baker said that may be confusing to some hunters who are used to being out at sunrise, however, since Sept. 1 & 2 are considered special white-winged dove days, that means legal shooting hours are from noon to sunset.

Regardless of the time or the dove, Baker said a successful hunt begins with being properly licensed, something Game Wardens will be out looking for.

"We want to make sure everyone has a current valid Texas hunting license with a Migratory Game Bird Endorsement and a Harvest Information Program Certification as well," he said. "They've got to have all of those to legally hunt dove."

Of course, being Labor Day weekend, many non-hunters will be enjoying the outdoors as well, so Baker added that following safe hunting practices will be key.

"Just be aware of your surroundings," he said. "Be aware of where you are shooting, be aware of neighborhoods, be aware of your fellow hunters."

And when talking about safety and preparation, having a well-stocked medical kit is imperative, even if it is something you hope you’ll never have to use.

To make sure you understand all of the hunting regulations for this season, take a look at the Texas Outdoor Annual.

It is also the place to go to get your hunting license online.

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