It was a somber moment Thursday at Naval Air Station-Corpus Christi as the U.S. Coast Guard took time to remember a crew lost at sea more than 40 years ago.
A wreath was dropped into to bay Thursday morning for the crew of 2123. They were searching for a man overboard in Port Aransas in September of 1973. When the six-person crew attempted to light up the search on the water, the flare they ignited struck their aircraft and forced them to crash into the water.
There were no survivors.
"Anytime you lose a fellow shipmate, it means a lot to you," said Donal Walter, a friend of a fallen coast guardsman. "Since '73, I've never forgot this, and I never will."
Current members of the U.S. Coast Guard said events like the one Thursday are important because they are a reminder of the dangers their job entails. It also pays tribute to the traditions that the U.S. Coast Guard holds dear.
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