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U.S.S. Lexington offers exciting view of Wings Over South Texas from flight deck

The legendary Blue Angels performed Saturday over Corpus Christi Bay.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — If you did not see them, you probably heard them. The legendary Blue Angels performed today over Corpus Christi Bay for Wings Over South Texas.

It was the first day of the show, taking place above the U.S.S Lexington flight deck. What better place to view the jets than on the iconic ship with a direct connection to them.

U.S.S. Lexington Museum Executive Director Steve Banta spoke with 3NEWS and said, "Just look at this flight desk. It's iconic, historic, there's a lot of ties to this community with naval aviation training and this aircraft carrier and the connection with, even with the Blue Angels themselves."

The U.S.S. Lexington offers one of the best spots to view Wings Over South Texas this weekend. More than 35,000 aviators during WWII, many flying off the Lex during the war, according to Banta. That connection brings a whole new significance to viewing the air show from its flight deck.

"When the Blue Angels and all the other acts are setting up to fly downtown, they have to fly right over the deck of the Lexington. You are closer to the action at the Lexington than anywhere else," he explained.

First aid was also available if needed. Trish Brummett and Ann Marie Bellows were on the flight deck with TLC Complete Care. They said they were ready to treat any accidents or injuries in the crowd. 

"We love the Blue Angels, they've been doing this for many, many years and, like I said, we're here for our community, community just like they are," Brummett said.

They had a first aid tent with shade, water in case people got dehydrated and medical supplies and staff. They could not fully watch the show, instead watching the crowd to make sure everyone was ok.

"I think we just love doing these kinds of events because it is such a big Corpus tradition and a big part of our community," Marie Bellows said.

Andrew Brown was visiting Corpus Christi for the first time and on his honeymoon. He said this was his first time on an aircraft carrier, but since his grandfather was a Pearl Harbor survivor, being on the Lex had more significance to him.

"It's awesome so, it's living history and, I mean, what better place to watch Blue Angel pilots fly than on the deck of an aircraft carrier," Brown said.

The Lex sold out 800 tickets on Saturday and Sunday in the VIP area. There are more viewing areas on the rest of the ship and general admission tickets are $18.95 for adults.

Wings Over South Texas resumes on Sunday at 11:55 a.m.

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