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USS Lexington receives designation as a Purple Heart Museum

The Purple Heart is the oldest military award given to U.S. military service members.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — The USS Lexington Museum was honored by the military order of the Purple Heart, Chapter 598, with a special proclamation designating the Lexington as a Purple Heart Museum. 

The Purple Heart is the oldest military award given to U.S. military service members. And also, one of the first offered to all ranks in the military, first ever awarded back in 1932. 

And the rest of them to be awarded in the Coastal Bend was in 1992. 

"Is an honor that the Lexington is recognizing the purple heart personnel. Some gave all and all gave some," said Vietnam War veteran Amado Gonzalez. "The purple heart being honored by a parking spot. Its an honor it really is."

The USS Lexington thanks all of those who made the designation possible.

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