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Corpus Christi City Council At-Large: Candidate Forum & Voters Guide

This information was gathered and compiled by the League of Women Voters.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — KIII-TV has partnered with the League of Women Voters-Corpus Christi to help make sure our community has the information they need to make informed decisions at the polls this Nov. 3.

This candidate forum was recorded by the League of Women Voters-Corpus Christi via Zoom. All candidates for Corpus Christi City Council At-Large were invited to participate.

Watch the candidates' Q&A session below:

The following information was gathered and compiled by the League and published in their Voters Guide and on Vote411.org.

Description of Office

  • Amend or repeal of any existing ordinance
  • Adopt, amendment or repeal a code of ordinances or code of technical regulations
  • Convey or authorize the conveyance of any real property
  • Prescribe a fine or penalty or establish any rule or regulation for the violation of which a fine or other penalty is imposed
  • Regulate the rates charged by a public utility
  • Adopt any legislation.

Description of Qualifications:

  • Resident of Corpus Christi
  • Term of office: 2 years
  • Term limit: Yes
  • Salary: $6,000

Liz Perez

Campaign Email http://liz@lizforcc.com
Campaign Phone Number (361) 878-8784
Website http://www.lizforcc.com
Facebook http://fb.me/lizforcc

BACKGROUND: Describe your strongest competency and life experience that qualify you to hold this office. 

Liz Perez I am 39-years-old, born, raised, and educated in Corpus Christi. I have 39 years of experience being a citizen and witnessing how our city officials and staff have lead our community. I have the unique gift of being able to listen and hold actual conversation, even with those whose vision for our city does not align with my own. Through my nonprofit I have been lucky enough to meet and speak with various community leaders and members in our area.

ISSUES: During your campaign, what is the number one concern expressed to you by the residents of Corpus Christi? What is your response to this concern? 

Liz Perez One of the most common concerns I have seen when speaking with our community is that our city council has become too focused on business that they no longer have a real connection to the people. I believe our city council should be trusted by the very people they are representing. Our council has been diminishing the importance of public comment at the city council meetings and making the people feel like their voice no longer matters. We need to regain the trust of the people.

EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT: How would you rate the capability of Corpus Christi to respond to natural and human-made disasters, such as hurricanes, pandemics, chemical fires or spills, and flooding? 

Liz Perez

Below average
Above average

Please explain your answer. 

Liz Perez I would say that with some disasters, like hurricanes and flooding, our city staff and leaders have improved. However, we still have a long way to go. There are definitely areas that are lacking and it feels like there is a big disconnect among our city and county leaders. We need to feel a sense of unity and do a better job of working together. There are many resources we can use and look to other cities that are similar in size and location.

ECONOMY: The COVID-19 pandemic has created a feeling of uncertainty. What are your views of the future for our local economy, including local jobs and property values, and general well-being, including healthcare, affordable housing, and schools? 

Liz Perez This is an extremely unique time we are living in and we are dealing with a lot of firsts. I do believe we have the capability as a city to make it through these rough waters. I believe now is a good time to look at diversifying our local economy, which can help with jobs. We have a very industrial job market, but we also have 2 excellent colleges where we can see more skills are being learned. Those graduates are looking outside of Corpus for employment. I want to work on keeping them here.

PRIORITIES: Other than the issues previously addressed, what are your top three priorities, and, if elected, how would you address them? 

Liz Perez I want to reinvest in public goods and services including parks, libraries, and our infrastructure. If elected, I would work on bringing major improvements to our public libraries and parks. I want to diversify our local economy with new and sustainable industries.If elected, I would begin research on how we can make our city more enticing for new industry. I want to establish new government accountability & transparency standards. If elected, I would work hard to regain the trust of the people.

Mike Pusley

Campaign Email http://campaign@mikepusley.com
Campaign Phone Number (361) 241-4839
Website http://www.mikepusley.com

BACKGROUND: Describe your strongest competency and life experience that qualify you to hold this office. 

Mike Pusley I have served in both appointed and elected positions in our community for over 30 years including the Tuloso-Midway Board of Trustees, Corpus Christi Planning Commission, and most recently Nueces County Commissioner. I also had a successful 40 year career in the Oil & Gas exploration business and although I have retired from that industry I still remain active managing business and property investments for our family.

ISSUES: During your campaign, what is the number one concern expressed to you by the residents of Corpus Christi? What is your response to this concern? 

Mike Pusley Many community members have expressed their concern for the lack of leadership shown by our City Council. Their concern is valid and I will bring a strong voice to the council, a voice that represents my strengths as a businessman who is not afraid to make a decision when necessary. A voice that will speak for the community when it seems no one in City government is listening. My service will be guided by a concern for making this a better place to live and prosper.

EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT: How would you rate the capability of Corpus Christi to respond to natural and human-made disasters, such as hurricanes, pandemics, chemical fires or spills, and flooding? 

Mike Pusley

Below average
Above average

Please explain your answer. 

Mike Pusley I truly believe our City is blessed with the best group of First Responders anywhere. Time and again they have risen to the challenges presented by disasters of all kinds. There is always room for improvement and as a City we need to make sure we are providing the resources, funding, and training to ensure the public's safety is priority number one.

ECONOMY: The COVID-19 pandemic has created a feeling of uncertainty. What are your views of the future for our local economy, including local jobs and property values, and general well-being, including healthcare, affordable housing, and schools? 

Mike Pusley I am very optimistic about the future of our City and our local economy. There is no doubt the pandemic has taken a toll on many businesses and it will be extremely important that our next City Council is up to the challenge of making sure we are providing the support and leadership needed to foster strong business growth and development in our community. One of the many ways we can do that is to make sure the cost of government is not a deterrent to a strong recovery.

PRIORITIES: Other than the issues previously addressed, what are your top three priorities, and, if elected, how would you address them? 

Mike Pusley Development - providing the leadership and support to businesses that ensures a strong business recovery in our community.

Infrastructure - if our City is going to remain competitive in the business world this must continue to be a high budget priority

Police & Fire - we must insure that our police and fire departments are receiving the funds necessary to keep our community safe 

Michael Hunter

Campaign Email http://michaelthunter14@gmail.com
Campaign Phone Number (361) 548-2816

BACKGROUND: Describe your strongest competency and life experience that qualify you to hold this office. 

Michael Hunter I have served as a Council Member before. If I am re-elected, I will be the most tenured member of our city council.

ISSUES: During your campaign, what is the number one concern expressed to you by the residents of Corpus Christi? What is your response to this concern?

Michael Hunter The most expressed concern is the street conditions throughout the city. My answer to this is: In recent years we have budgeted more money into streets than ever before. Out residential and maintenance street positions have increased dramatically than in the past, while we are adding more funding to our arterial programs.

EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT: How would you rate the capability of Corpus Christi to respond to natural and human-made disasters, such as hurricanes, pandemics, chemical fires or spills, and flooding? 

Michael Hunter

Below average
Above average

Please explain your answer. 

Michael Hunter I would rate our response capability for hurricane related disasters as excellent. In fact, our public safety and emergency response teams have received many national and international awards for their efforts. I rate our pandemic response as average to above average. This is mainly due to our lack of knowledge of how to respond to pandemics. Our death rate is below the state and national average per confirmed case. Yet, we have still lost too many people to the virus.

ECONOMY: The COVID-19 pandemic has created a feeling of uncertainty. What are your views of the future for our local economy, including local jobs and property values, and general well-being, including healthcare, affordable housing, and schools? 

Michael Hunter Unfortunately, we have little authority over this issue. We receive our suggestions or orders from the national government, CDC, State of Texas, and Nueces County. Property and real estate has done surprisingly well during this period. The city's budget has taken a much less significant hit than we expected. Our local schools (who are not under our authority) will have their hands full. Masks will probably continue to be the new norm until we a vaccine or better treatment available for patients.

PRIORITIES: Other than the issues previously addressed, what are your top three priorities, and, if elected, how would you address them? 

Michael Hunter We need to get the Harbor bridge back on track. We must maintain relationships and stay as informed as possible on its status, so that we can continue forward. Water is always important in growing regional areas. We control water for all of Region N in the state of Texas. I will support our desalination efforts to help solve this need. Public Safety and/or Infrastructure. Four years ago, I helped initiate the current police officer hiring plan for more officers each year (5-7 officers/year).

Myron Grossman

Campaign Phone Number (361) 877-0625

BACKGROUND: Describe your strongest competency and life experience that qualify you to hold this office. 

Myron Grossman I am a graduate of Leadership Corpus Christi. I served as the President of the local Palmer Drug Abuse Program as well as on the board of the National Palmer Drug Abuse Program with such celebrities as Carol Burnet and Zig Zegler. I have served on quite a few local boards including The Corpus Christi Heart Association and the Corpus Christi Landmark Commission. Organization would be my strongest competency. I would use my organization skills to help the city become more efficient and less waste.

ISSUES: During your campaign, what is the number one concern expressed to you by the residents of Corpus Christi? What is your response to this concern? 

Myron Grossman The number one concern expressed is street conditions. I believe a greater percentage of tax dollars should be allocated until we catch up on streets.

EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT: How would you rate the capability of Corpus Christi to respond to natural and human-made disasters, such as hurricanes, pandemics, chemical fires or spills, and flooding? 

Myron Grossman

Below average
Above average

Please explain your answer. 

Myron Grossman I would rate the capacity to properly manage the above disasters by the city as ACCEPTABLE. Our city experience over the last twenty-five years has shown that the city is capable of handling these disasters.

ECONOMY: The COVID-19 pandemic has created a feeling of uncertainty. What are your views of the future for our local economy, including local jobs and property values, and general well-being, including healthcare, affordable housing, and schools? 

Myron Grossman My view of the local economy, jobs and property values will have a 20% increase once the pandemic is controlled. My view of affordable housing and schools is that they are presently acceptable for a city the size of Corpus Christi. I believe the government will have an acceptable vaccine by the end of December 2020.

PRIORITIES: Other than the issues previously addressed, what are your top three priorities, and, if elected, how would you address them? 

Myron Grossman 1) Start lowering residential taxes and concentrate on increasing our industrial taxes. 2) Streamline the city permitting process with a more user-friendly attitude. 3) Increase monthly income for the lowest paid city employees in an effort to see that ethnic and gender employees are treated on an equal and fair bases.

Larry White

Campaign Email http://votelarrywhite@gmail
Website http://www.votelarrywhite.com

BACKGROUND: Describe your strongest competency and life experience that qualify you to hold this office. 

Larry White I have worked as an Engineer for over 40 years and have led several successful multi-million dollar projects. That experience taught me to plan on a large scale, to understand technical issues, and to work with people as a team. The City Council needs someone technical on board as a resource in making decisions. As an engineer I have been conditioned to be honest and to not mislead. My community activities have sensitized me to the social needs of our community.

ISSUES: During your campaign, what is the number one concern expressed to you by the residents of Corpus Christi? What is your response to this concern? 

Larry White Friends have complained to me about broken water mains, bumpy streets, high utility bills, and poor maintenance of City buildings. My plan if elected is to get these maintenance needs as line items in the City budget. This will keep maintenance needs visible and thereby make it harder to spend the money elsewhere.

EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT: How would you rate the capability of Corpus Christi to respond to natural and human-made disasters, such as hurricanes, pandemics, chemical fires or spills, and flooding? 

Larry White

Below average
Above average

Please explain your answer. 

Larry White In my view Corpus Christi does a good job with hurricanes, fires, and chemical spills. Based on the number of daily Covid-19 deaths, Corpus Christi is not doing a good job with the pandemic. Part of this poor performance is caused by the poor State and Federal response. Flooding is a real problem caused by poor storm drain maintenance and poor City planning of new development that covers ground that used to soak up rain.

ECONOMY: The COVID-19 pandemic has created a feeling of uncertainty. What are your views of the future for our local economy, including local jobs and property values, and general well-being, including healthcare, affordable housing, and schools? 

Larry White In my view our economy will recover from this pandemic, but this will take a good length of time, with short term hardships for some. The tourist industry will prosper because people will want to travel closer to home to relieve their isolation. The new harbor bridge and the industry coming to Corpus will stimulate the economy where social needs can then be better funded. Of course this all assumes the City Council is financially responsible and taxes/fees are kept under control.

PRIORITIES: Other than the issues previously addressed, what are your top three priorities, and, if elected, how would you address them? 

Larry White My priorities are safety, health, and quality of life. On safety, I'll find out the impact of the elimination of 82 civilian positions in the City Police Department (2020-2021 budget) . For health, I will advocate that the EPA consent degree be strictly followed and modifications made to prevent sewage back up into homes as has occurred in the Greenwood area. For quality of life, I'll talk to those knowledgeable on homelessness and how to best address this problem.

John Martinez

Campaign Email http://electjohnmartinez@gmail.com
Campaign Phone Number (361) 658-9848
Website http://www.electjohnmartinez.com
Facebook http://www.facebook.com/ElectJohnMartinez/

BACKGROUND: Describe your strongest competency and life experience that qualify you to hold this office. 

John Martinez I was elected Judge in 2006 and remained in that position until 2012. As a Judge, I saw the issues facing our community with crime and mental health. I have also served on the Corpus Christi Crime Control and Prevention Board and am the current Chairman of the Nueces County Hospital District Board. Serving on these boards has given me a unique perspective on these issues and potential solutions to them.

ISSUES: During your campaign, what is the number one concern expressed to you by the residents of Corpus Christi? What is your response to this concern? 

John Martinez The number one concern has been streets and infrastructure. For many years the City has put maintenance issues on the back-burner. All this has done is left bigger problems for the future Councils. The time for temporary solutions has passed. We must come up with a long term solution to the issues with streets and infrastructure and not kick this problem down the road.

EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT: How would you rate the capability of Corpus Christi to respond to natural and human-made disasters, such as hurricanes, pandemics, chemical fires or spills, and flooding?

John Martinez

Below average
Above average

Please explain your answer. 

John Martinez There have been several disasters in the past few years and the response has been poor in some instances and good in others. I think with natural disasters, such as hurricane Harvey, our response was fine. I also believe the City has handled the Covid pandemic as well as it could have with all of the uncertainty and different opinions coming from different leadership. Where we have failed miserably is with the man-made disasters like the prolonged water issues we had a few years back.

ECONOMY: The COVID-19 pandemic has created a feeling of uncertainty. What are your views of the future for our local economy, including local jobs and property values, and general well-being, including healthcare, affordable housing, and schools? 

John Martinez I believe that our local economy will bounce back, it always has. The job market will bounce back with the return of the oilfield work, as well as the return to business from the pandemic. Property values will increase as interest rates stay low, but commercial properties will likely drop as more people choose to work remotely, even after the pandemic. I'm optimistic that healthcare can be addressed through several available options and that our schools and housing will be taken care of.

PRIORITIES: Other than the issues previously addressed, what are your top three priorities, and, if elected, how would you address them? 

John Martinez I would like to address the issue with homelessness. The City needs to coordinate with the County, Hospitals, local law enforcement and drug rehab centers to address the underlying issues for homeless in our City. The next issue would be securing water rights for our future. We should look into alternative water resources like additional surface and ground water rights and potentially desalination, if the plan is right.

Ricardo Hankerson

Campaign Email http://ricrdohankerson@gmail.com
Campaign Phone Number (361) 548-3892

BACKGROUND: Describe your strongest competency and life experience that qualify you to hold this office. 

Ricardo Hankerson I'm a 70 year old African/American male. Retired from Corpus Christi Army Depot (44years). Born and raised in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania and moved to Corpus Christi on November 1983..I have been in leadership position the majority of my adult life. Supervisor at CCAD for 25 years in the Helicopter Maintenance Department. Presently, I'm the President of the(Fleet Reserve Association). I have many hours of training on Labor Issues, budgets issues and dealing with people.

ISSUES: During your campaign, what is the number one concern expressed to you by the residents of Corpus Christi? What is your response to this concern? 

Ricardo Hankerson The homeless. I truly agree and a task force needs to be created to deal with the residents concerns. Some of their concerns are 1. Sleeping on the streets 2. Panhandling 3. Littering/loitering 4. Setting up unlawful camps.

EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT: How would you rate the capability of Corpus Christi to respond to natural and human-made disasters, such as hurricanes, pandemics, chemical fires or spills, and flooding? 

Ricardo Hankerson

Below average
Above average

Please explain your answer. 

Ricardo Hankerson I feel they are doing a good job. The citizens of Corpus Christi are well informed/notified on all disasters confronting the city on a timely manner.

ECONOMY: The COVID-19 pandemic has created a feeling of uncertainty. What are your views of the future for our local economy, including local jobs and property values, and general well-being, including healthcare, affordable housing, and schools? 

Ricardo Hankerson Until this pandemic is under control, uncertainty will remain top agenda. The economy of this city is doing well, and with the outline community experiencing growth the City of Corpus will benefit . Property values will increase, because of the mass construction going on on the South Side of the City and the Flour Bluff community.

PRIORITIES: Other than the issues previously addressed, what are your top three priorities, and, if elected, how would you address them? 

Ricardo Hankerson Other than the concerns/issues, I really don't have any other top priorities. Whatever, issues brought to the council, as part of the agenda, I will be honest and sincere to deal with them.

Efrain "Frank" Arriaga

Campaign Email http://efrain361@gmail.com
Campaign Phone Number (361) 779-7326
Website http://www.frankarriaga.com
Facebook http://www.facebook.com/frankforourfuture

BACKGROUND: Describe your strongest competency and life experience that qualify you to hold this office. 

Efrain "Frank" Arriaga Leadership is my strongest skill that is relevant for this office. I have spent 20 years working with the regions best and brightest students in an effort to arm them with the essential skills necessary to become dynamic and strong leaders. Working together with others effectively requires a high level of emotional intelligence and situational awareness. These are traits I have worked on for many years and look to apply if given the opportunity to serve our community.

ISSUES: During your campaign, what is the number one concern expressed to you by the residents of Corpus Christi? What is your response to this concern? 

Efrain "Frank" Arriaga Infrastructure is the biggest issue. I think that residents are justified in this concern. The truth is that we have let these problems go unchecked for far too long. In order to secure our long term ability to recruit jobs, we must address issues like water and waste water.

EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT: How would you rate the capability of Corpus Christi to respond to natural and human-made disasters, such as hurricanes, pandemics, chemical fires or spills, and flooding? 

Efrain "Frank" Arriaga

Below average
Above average

Please explain your answer. 

Efrain "Frank" Arriaga Largely absent during pandemic outside of posting statistics. There seemed to be little clarity on the chain of command and intended goals

ECONOMY: The COVID-19 pandemic has created a feeling of uncertainty. What are your views of the future for our local economy, including local jobs and property values, and general well-being, including healthcare, affordable housing, and schools? 

Efrain "Frank" Arriaga I think the future of Corpus Christi remains bright. We have the new local industries moving forward with their projects as promised, which will add numerous well paying jobs and a much need boost of sales and property tax revenue. Affordable housing is a sector where we must do better locally so we can maintain a healthy labor pool.

PRIORITIES: Other than the issues previously addressed, what are your top three priorities, and, if elected, how would you address them? 

Efrain "Frank" Arriaga Accountability- I would vote on all issues so my record is clear for all to see

Communication: I will work towards increasing communication between the city and our citizens.

Water, Water, Water- I will provide research for and against each project so that taxpayers can make informed decisions... 

Richard Diaz

Campaign Email http://electricharddiaz@gmail.com

BACKGROUND: Describe your strongest competency and life experience that qualify you to hold this office. 

Richard Diaz While I cannot boast being a lawyer or owning a consulting business like many Canadates over the years can. My experience as pertains to being a city councilman is serving on the Transportation Advisory Commission (TAC) and familiarizing myself with how our city functions, so I am not going in blind to what my day to day duties would be.

ISSUES: During your campaign, what is the number one concern expressed to you by the residents of Corpus Christi? What is your response to this concern? 

Richard Diaz Our roads (new and old) have been the main issue people have brought up to me when discussing the city. My main response are: 1. I agree, and 2. I would argue that the city prioritize the construction of concrete roads over asphalt like we have on Staple and Everhart Rd. While concrete costs more initially the long term maintenance cost of asphalt makes concrete the more cost effective and safer option.

EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT: How would you rate the capability of Corpus Christi to respond to natural and human-made disasters, such as hurricanes, pandemics, chemical fires or spills, and flooding? 

Richard Diaz

Below average
Above average

Please explain your answer. 

Richard Diaz Our response to the current pandemic should have been more forceful in preventing people from traveling from outside the city and spreading the virus. Especially given our spikes in cases coincided directly with holidays such as Memorial Day and the 4th of July.

ECONOMY: The COVID-19 pandemic has created a feeling of uncertainty. What are your views of the future for our local economy, including local jobs and property values, and general well-being, including healthcare, affordable housing, and schools? 

Richard Diaz We will likely feel the ramifications of this virus for years to come. Also with not help coming from Washington or Austin there is little the city has the power or funds to do to mitigate its impact on our cities. Rent will likely rise as more people are evicted and that means a increase burden on our healthcare services and a increase in violence as people become more desperate. What the city can do is increase investments in affordable housing and possibly implement a jobs guarantee program.

PRIORITIES: Other than the issues previously addressed, what are your top three priorities, and, if elected, how would you address them? 

Richard Diaz 1. Increase investment in improving our wastewater and stormwater systems to reuse as much water as possible. 2. Lawfully purchase and dismantle any old unused buildings that have no prospects of being occupied, sold on market, or renovated. Then sell on market, donate, or use vacant plot for events or charity. 3. Invest in expanding and improving Public Transportation by creating a Uber competitor app service with B-Line and other cab companies to generate additional funds for our buses.

Patricia Pena-Noyola

Campaign Phone Number (361) 442-9925
Private Contact Phone Number (361) 549-4100
Facebook http://www.facebook.com/PatriciaPenaNoyolaForCityCouncilAtLarge/

BACKGROUND: Describe your strongest competency and life experience that qualify you to hold this office. 

Patricia Pena-Noyola As a small business owner for over 24 years, I have worked with different groups of people who have needed help to achieve their American dream or have needed financial education. I have presented solutions that have made their dreams become a reality. My decades of experience in building relationships has provided me the ability to address issues, create solutions, and deliver results.

ISSUES: During your campaign, what is the number one concern expressed to you by the residents of Corpus Christi? What is your response to this concern? 

Patricia Pena-Noyola The number one concern is our streets. Over the years, the citizens of Corpus Christi have been promised this issue would be resolved; however, bond projects are constantly behind schedule. I will be looking into the reason why we are so behind if the funds have been allocated for the projects, and developing deadlines for the completion of these work orders.

EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT: How would you rate the capability of Corpus Christi to respond to natural and human-made disasters, such as hurricanes, pandemics, chemical fires or spills, and flooding? 

Patricia Pena-Noyola

Below average
Above average

Please explain your answer. 

Patricia Pena-Noyola Corpus Christi has been through all of these events and has done well; however, I still feel there is room for improvement. I feel committees composed of various fields of study should brainstorm and develop possible scenarios and solutions. Experience has taught us to have foresight and cover all possibilities. We must be sure our citizens are safe and protected, our hospitals are equipped with personnel to offer aid, ensuring our economy and small businesses are prepared.

ECONOMY: The COVID-19 pandemic has created a feeling of uncertainty. What are your views of the future for our local economy, including local jobs and property values, and general well-being, including healthcare, affordable housing, and schools? 

Patricia Pena-Noyola COVID-19 has been a lesson for everyone. It has impacted our economy on several levels. We have to work closely with our State and Federal officials to be very proactive with outreach programs that will offer assistance to everyone. Small businesses have suffered and many people face the possibility of losing everything. We could have been ahead of it based on how it impacted other states.

PRIORITIES: Other than the issues previously addressed, what are your top three priorities, and, if elected, how would you address them? 

Patricia Pena-Noyola I am running for office because I feel our leadership could be doing more to fix our streets, provide higher paying jobs, quality housing, and strengthening public safety within our community. The citizens have been promised that all of these issues would be resolved; however, bond projects continue to be behind schedule. I would require transparency in addressing these issues and the processes in which these projects are to be completed. The time for excuses has passed and it is time to work!

Brian Rosas

Campaign Phone Number (361) 331-0538
Website http://www,ElectBrianRosas

BACKGROUND: Describe your strongest competency and life experience that qualify you to hold this office. 

Brian Rosas As a former councilman, native Corpus Christian, graduate of Texas A&M Corpus Christi I have learned being a good listener is an attribute to getting things done. As a past councilman I voted for residential street repair and I will continue to champion for a better planned ramped up current repair schedule, so that more streets can be completed sooner.

ISSUES: During your campaign, what is the number one concern expressed to you by the residents of Corpus Christi? What is your response to this concern? 

Brian Rosas The most concerning problem heard by citizens focuses on city services. I am familiar with the entities of city government and I will prioritize a better way to allocate services for the taxpayer. As a candidate I bring a precise level of a good business sense to things that seem to linger in abstinence instead of completion. If elected at large I will be responsible to the tax payer for city services at 100% because they pay 100% taxes. It is paramount we the city take care of our residents

EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT: How would you rate the capability of Corpus Christi to respond to natural and human-made disasters, such as hurricanes, pandemics, chemical fires or spills, and flooding? 

Brian Rosas

Below average
Above average

Please explain your answer. 

Brian Rosas As far as the pandemic crisis is concerned Corpus Christi has maintained essential health services but has had difficulty balancing other disasters. This difficulty appears to be attributed to the lack of public services. This could be better if the city public services were up to national standards, i.e. police and fire. This pandemic highlights the need for urgent action to absorb the pandemic health and economic consequences, protect vulnerable populations, and set the stage for a lasting rec

ECONOMY: The COVID-19 pandemic has created a feeling of uncertainty. What are your views of the future for our local economy, including local jobs and property values, and general well-being, including healthcare, affordable housing, and schools? 

Brian Rosas Corpus Christi has huge national assets that allow the area to grow but is pertinent we provide, better infrastructure and a better water supply, and public safety would enhance the quality of life to entice even more businesses. These polices would help create economic development to expand the tax base. Boasting the nursing education programs would help keep the quality of life for people here locally. Housing affordability or building a bigger tax base not raise taxes.

PRIORITIES: Other than the issues previously addressed, what are your top three priorities, and, if elected, how would you address them? 

Brian Rosas If elected city councilman at large my top priorities are city spending on much needed areas of public safety, streets, infrastructure and housing affordability. If elected I plan on addressing public safety I would enforce a better systematic approach to funding these already needed services. The key to economic growth is great city services that will attract new residence and expand our tax base helping relief some of the tax burden on our current residence.

Deanna Michelle King

Campaign Email http://DKingford@msn.com
Campaign Phone Number (361) 799-0918
http://Deanna Michelle King- City Council at Large Candidate

BACKGROUND: Describe your strongest competency and life experience that qualify you to hold this office. 

Deanna Michelle King As a Legal Assistant for over 20 years, I have been in contact with people of all walks of life. I listen to their concerns and life stories which has brought them into our office. I try to help them with their problems. Their problems and well being is important to me and that’s how I would approach the position as a City Council At Large Member, to give residents a voice because it is their City. They should be heard and their concerns should be addressed, accordingly.

ISSUES: During your campaign, what is the number one concern expressed to you by the residents of Corpus Christi? What is your response to this concern? 

Deanna Michelle King The number one concern that I have encountered by residents of this City are people who are homeless. I believe these people need help. The current solution is not to herd them around from one part of the City to another. I do not believe that is the solution. Most have mental health and/or substance abuse issues. We should utilize the Memorial Hospital. The hospital has rooms, a cafeteria and conference rooms. It is a building that can house them temporarily until they can get on their feet.

EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT: How would you rate the capability of Corpus Christi to respond to natural and human-made disasters, such as hurricanes, pandemics, chemical fires or spills, and flooding? 

Deanna Michelle King

Below average
Above average

Please explain your answer. 

Deanna Michelle King Our City isn’t ready for a major disaster. For example, we just recently had a Hurricane that did not hit us directly. It caused so much devastation. We had electricity outages for days in some areas, flooding and destruction of piers. I cannot imagine what would have happened, if we would have taken a direct hit. This City is in more in a reactive than a preventative mode; thus, it puts residents in a tough position trying to recover, after a disaster, with no real immediate help from the City

ECONOMY: The COVID-19 pandemic has created a feeling of uncertainty. What are your views of the future for our local economy, including local jobs and property values, and general well-being, including healthcare, affordable housing, and schools? 

Deanna Michelle King I believe our City contracts out too much work. We need to hire more City workers to maintain Corpus Christi to keep it beautiful. Workers must be paid a living wage as well. Also, big businesses is taking over which pushes out small business owners. In my opinion, contracting out work hurts small businesses because some of the money can be used to hire local companies. Overall, contracting out work to non-locals takes money away from this City.

PRIORITIES: Other than the issues previously addressed, what are your top three priorities, and, if elected, how would you address them? 

Deanna Michelle King My top three priorities are the homeless, our streets and the water supply which is unhealthy to drink. The homeless need help. We can address their individual issues by understanding why they are homeless in the first place. Most have mental health and/or drug addiction. We must address their underlying problems. The streets have been an issue for quite some time. Street bond money should be used for that purpose. Our water supply is contaminated and needs to be researched to ensure it’s safety

John Garcia

Campaign Email http://johngarciasales@gmail.com
Campaign Phone Number (361) 444-9566
Website http://votejohngarcia.com

BACKGROUND: Describe your strongest competency and life experience that qualify you to hold this office. 

John Garcia Strongest competency-ability to listen, internalize, make informed decisions based on data, input from others & being able to find ethical solutions by seeking more than best practices.

ISSUES: During your campaign, what is the number one concern expressed to you by the residents of Corpus Christi? What is your response to this concern? 

John Garcia The number one issue expressed to me is the urgent need to fix our city streets. As a Councilman At Large , I will make fixing our city streets a top priority. I will regularly meet with directors to go over strategies including providing for efficiency street repair, bringing work in house, working to provide innovation in street repair and maintenance and support adding funding for street repair.

EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT: How would you rate the capability of Corpus Christi to respond to natural and human-made disasters, such as hurricanes, pandemics, chemical fires or spills, and flooding? 

John Garcia

Below average
Above average

Please explain your answer. 

John Garcia I rate our ability to natural and human disasters good, however, we must look at each incident. We must nurture strong relationships with the Coast Guard, county, Port and industry on incidents, though each case is independent of each other. In Covid-19, mistakes were made and there was no historical data to help determine policy.

ECONOMY: The COVID-19 pandemic has created a feeling of uncertainty. What are your views of the future for our local economy, including local jobs and property values, and general well-being, including healthcare, affordable housing, and schools? 

John Garcia I am a realist in that we can only jump start our economy when we listen. Everyone has ideas and solutions. Leadership is all around us, but we have to create a better pathway for people to have a voice. I want to help give others that voice, particularly women who have not always been part of the conversations. Affordable housing is an area that I want to explore and ensure this is met ethically and equitably.

PRIORITIES: Other than the issues previously addressed, what are your top three priorities, and, if elected, how would you address them? 

John Garcia I will work to grow our police force by supporting additional funding and support adding EMS units. I will support small businesses as they recover through partnering with the LYFT fund also exploring all options to assist small businesses. Equality on all boards, ensuring no conflict of interests nor age discrimination.

The above information was gathered and compiled by the League of Women Voters, a non-profit and non-partisan organization dedicated to voter education.

3News has partnered with the League in order to help make sure our community has access to all the information they need before they hit the polls. You can find more of this information at Vote411.org.

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