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Voters Guide: President of the United States

President Donald J. Trump will face former Vice President Joe Biden on Nov. 3.
Credit: AP

3News has partnered with the League of Women Voters, a non-profit and non-partisan organization dedicated to voter education, to help make sure the community has access to all the information they need before hitting the polls Nov. 3.

The following information was gathered and compiled by the League and published in their Voters Guide and on Vote411.org.

Duties: The President is: the head of state of the United States of America; the Chief Executive Officer; and, the Commander in Chief of all military forces. The powers of the President are prescribed in the Constitution and federal law. The President appoints the members of the Cabinet, ambassadors to other nations and the United Nations, Supreme Court Justices, and federal judges, subject to Senate approval. The President, along with the Cabinet and its agencies, is responsible for carrying out and enforcing the laws of the United States. The President may also recommend legislation to the United States Congress.

Term: Four years. Limit of two terms.

Base Salary: $400,000 per year.

Note: All candidates who will appear on your state’s ballot are listed below but only those that meet the following criteria were invited to respond to the League’s questions in this guide.

  1. The candidate must have made a public announcement of her/his intention to run for President.
  2. The candidate must meet the Presidential Election Campaign Fund Act's minimum contribution threshold requirements for qualifying for matching funds, based on the most recent data publicly available on the Federal Elections Commission website.
  3. The candidate must qualify for the ballot in enough states to win a majority of electoral votes.

Descripción de primaria presidencial:

Deberes: El presidente es: el jefe de estado de los Estados Unidos de América; el director ejecutivo; y, el comandante en jefe de todas las fuerzas militares. Los poderes del presidente están prescritos en la constitución y la ley federal. El presidente nombra a los miembros del gabinete, embajadores ante otras naciones y las Naciones Unidas, jueces de la Corte Suprema y jueces federales, sujetos a la aprobación del Senado. El presidente, junto con el gabinete y sus agencias, es responsable de llevar a cabo y hacer cumplir las leyes de los Estados Unidos. El presidente también puede recomendar legislación al Congreso de los Estados Unidos.

Plazo: cuatro años. Límite de dos términos.

Salario base: $ 400,000 por año.

Nota: Todos los candidatos que aparecerán en la papeleta electoral de su estado se enumeran a continuación, pero solo aquellos que cumplen con los siguientes criterios fueron invitados a responder las preguntas de la Liga en esta guía.

  1. El candidato debe haber hecho un anuncio público de su intención de postularse para la nominación de su partido para presidente; y,
  2. El candidato debe haber cumplido con los requisitos de contribución mínima de la ley de fondos para la campaña de elecciones presidenciales para poder calificar para fondos complementarios, según los datos más recientes disponibles públicamente en la página web de la Comisión Federal de Elecciones.
  3. El candidato debe calificar para estar en la boleta de votación en suficientes estados para ganar una mayoría de votos electorales.

Donald J. Trump (Republican)

Campaign Website http://www.donaldjtrump.com/
Campaign Email info@donaldtrump.com
Campaign Facebook http://www.facebook.com/DonaldTrump/
Campaign Twitter @realDonaldTrump
Campaign Instagram http://www.instagram.com/teamtrump/
Campaign YouTube http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAql2DyGU2un1Ei2nMYsqOA

Candidate has not yet responded to the League of Women Voters.

Joe Biden (Democrat)

Campaign Website http://www.joebiden.com
Campaign Email info@joebiden.com
Campaign Facebook http://www.facebook.com/joebiden
Campaign Twitter @joebiden
Campaign Instagram http://www.instagram.com/joebiden/
Campaign YouTube http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWNpXitY8eJ-ku6M-v25MKw
Mailing Address
Biden for President
PO Box 58174
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102

What actions would you take to balance public health and economic recovery in the US, both in light of COVID-19 and for the long term?

It’s a false choice to think we have to choose between our public health and economy; they’re linked. On Day One, I’ll implement the COVID strategy I’ve laid out since March – surging testing and protective gear; distributing vaccines safely and free of politics; helping schools and small businesses cover costs; and getting state and local governments resources to keep educators, cops, and firefighters on the job. I’ll respect science and tell the truth, period. And I’ll build our economy back better, creating millions of good-paying jobs. I’ll revitalize manufacturing, build a clean energy economy, and boost caregiving – easing the squeeze on working families, providing paid leave, and getting caregivers the respect and pay they deserve.

What is the most important issue facing our country and how do you plan to address it during your first 100 days in office?

Pandemic. Recession. Racial injustice. Climate change. We’re facing historic crises; we have to tackle them all at once. Character and experience count. I’ll listen to scientists, tell the truth, and make sure we’re never so unprepared for a pandemic again. I’ll expand the Affordable Care Act, lowering costs and making health care a right for all. I’ll build our economy back better, and make racial equity central to recovery. In these crises, we have an enormous opportunity, if we come together. As President, I’ll draw on the best of us, not the worst. I’ll work as hard for those who don’t support me as for those who do. That's a president’s job: to represent us all. To take responsibility. To protect the nation. To unite and to heal.

How will you address racial injustice in our country on day one of your administration?

America is at an inflection point. It’s past time to end our inequities and deal with the denial of our nation’s promise to too many for too long. I’ll fight to end the health inequities that COVID-19 amplifies; and give every child the same strong start in life by offering universal Pre-K, tripling funding for Title I schools, and making public college debt-free for most families. I’ll make racial equity central to our recovery, closing the racial wealth and income gaps, boosting home ownership, and investing in communities and entrepreneurs of color – building a stronger, more inclusive middle class for the future. And, I’ll work for real police reform and invest in shifting our criminal justice focus from incarceration to prevention.

What aspects of our current immigration policy will your administration address first?

My immigration policy is built around keeping families together. It’s past time to reform our broken system, restoring family unification and diversity as its core pillars. As President, I’ll reverse Trump’s assault on our values on Day One, ending his cruel border policies that rip children from their mothers’ arms. I’ll act immediately to protect Dreamers and their families, and invest real political capital in finally delivering legislative immigration reform, with a roadmap to citizenship for the nearly 11 million undocumented people who already do so much to make our communities strong. We have to enforce our laws, but in a way that’s humane, respects due process, honors our values, and sees the big picture.

What will you do over the long term to ensure access to quality healthcare for all?

This pandemic makes clear: All Americans need access to quality, affordable health insurance. That’s why I’ll protect and build on the Affordable Care Act. I helped to secure the final key votes to pass that landmark law, protecting 100 million Americans who can no longer be turned away or denied coverage for pre-existing conditions, and bringing coverage to 20 million more. As President, I’ll build on that progress with a public option and lower health care and prescription drug costs. I’ll make all COVID-19 testing, treatment, and vaccines free; double funding for community health centers that are so often on the frontlines of care; and much more.

Jo Jorgensen (Libertarian*
Howie Hawkins (Green)*

*Did not meet above requirements set by the League of Women Voters.

The above information was gathered and compiled by the League of Women Voters, a non-profit and non-partisan organization dedicated to voter education.

3News has partnered with the League in order to help make sure our community has access to all the information they need before they hit the polls. You can find more of this information at Vote411.org.

Back to the Voters Guide.

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