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Elections 2024: Corpus Christi City Council, At-Large

Ten candidates are vying for three seats which represent the entire city and not individual districts.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Corpus Christi residents are set to head to the polls during the next few weeks, and one of the city officials they will be deciding on is their preference for Corpus Christi City Council At-Large.

Jim Klein is the only at-large incumbent running for one of the three open seats: Mike Pusley is running for a set on the Nueces County Commissioners Court, and Michael Hunter is running for mayor. 

Klein is joined by nine other candidates: Dist. 3 councilman Roland Barrera; former Black Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Sylvia Tryon; former city councilwoman and county commissioner Carolyn Vaughn; consultant Larry Elizondo; small-business owner Jahvid Motaghi; former city councilman Mark Scott; business owner Robert Reyna; home-health provider Jennifer Gracia and small-business owner Rachel Caballero.  

Motaghi and Gracia did not respond. 

3NEWS sent out questionnaires to all 10 candidates asking the same questions. Each answer was limited to a 100-word response, and candidates were informed their responses would be cut off if more than 100 words. The deadline to return questionnaires was Oct. 11. 

Roland Barrera

Do you support the Inner Harbor Desalination Project? (Please answer yes or no and then give your reasoning.)

Most definitely, yes. Corpus Christi is the regional water provider for over 500,000 residents across seven counties. Our current reservoirs are at less than 23% capacity and we are in a drought at this time. The Inner Harbor Desalination project will provide a safe, affordable, uninterrupted water supply that is environmentally friendly.

What is the biggest thing the current city government currently does well?

Addressing the need for providing a safe, affordable and uninterrupted water supply.

What is the biggest issue in Corpus Christi?

Addressing the need for providing a safe, affordable and uninterrupted water supply.

Sylvia Tryon

Do you support the Inner Harbor Desalination Project? (Please answer yes or no and then give your reasoning.)

I am for economic development and economic opportunities; however, I am against the location chosen to build the desal plant. 

What is the biggest thing the current city government currently does well?

I believe that the current city government does a great job in non-transparency. 

What is the biggest issue in Corpus Christi?


Carolyn Vaughn

Do you support the Inner Harbor Desalination Project? (Please answer yes or no and then give your reasoning.)

I support desal in the safest place that doesn’t harm our bays, I want to see proof that it is safe, I believe it should be further out and build it big enough to make a difference, it is for industry so they should pay for it. You cant give a yes or no to this question until you see all of the info and studies.

What is the biggest thing the current city government currently does well?

They are completing some road infrastructure, not at the rate I would like but it is progressing.

What is the biggest issue in Corpus Christi?

I believe we have 3 issues that are as important – Water, Roads, Infrastructure and Public Safety.

Larry Elizondo

Do you support the Inner Harbor Desalination Project? (Please answer yes or no and then give your reasoning.)

I support desal, however I am concern with the inner harbor location. My preferred location would have been the harbor island location. The brine discharge into the ship channel is my main concern. 

What is the biggest thing the current city government currently does well?

This administration has a very high priority and public safety and in street repairs. We can still do much better in both departments. 

What is the biggest issue in Corpus Christi?

Y our water needs, taxes, and streets

Mark Scott

Do you support the Inner Harbor Desalination Project? (Please answer yes or no and then give your reasoning.)

Shame on the City for getting us in this water mess (current water rationing).  My motto:  Don’t let the “perfect” get in the way of the “doable”.  Inner Harbor is not perfect but is doable with minimal impacts (based upon extensive studies).  We also need to continue to work with State to build a discharge pipeline to Gulf and upsize intake capacity.  I would be hard pressed to support any further desalination plants in the bay though.  Keep in mind, this project won’t come online until 2028. So, we also need to find interim solutions. 

What is the biggest thing the current city government currently does well?

I think we have great Public Safety departments. I have nothing but praise for the men and women of our Police and Fire departments.   

What is the biggest issue in Corpus Christi?

Without a doubt, water is the biggest issue facing Corpus Christi.  I have shared my criticism of the Council above.  Without water, we won’t have any growth.  If a City is not growing, it is dying.  At this point, we will need half of the desal capacity just for residential customer use.  Even if we decide no growth…. We STILL need water.  But, without the ability to display a long-term water solution, significant economic and job growth is not possible. Water, water, water…

Robert Reyna

Do you support the Inner Harbor Desalination Project? (Please answer yes or no and then give your reasoning.)

Yes, I support the project. Securing a sustainable water supply is critical for Corpus Christi’s growth. Desalination offers a viable solution to meet future water demands for both residents and industries. However, it must be approached with careful consideration of environmental impacts and long-term sustainability.

What is the biggest thing the current city government currently does well?

The city government has made significant progress in infrastructure improvements, particularly in road development and water management. These efforts are laying a strong foundation for future growth and ensuring that the needs of our residents and businesses are met.

What is the biggest issue in Corpus Christi?

Flooding and drainage infrastructure remain the most pressing issues. Without adequate solutions, the city will continue to face public safety risks and economic disruptions. Addressing these challenges is essential for the well-being and resilience of our community.

Jim Klein

Do you support the Inner Harbor Desalination Project? (Please answer yes or no and then give your reasoning.) 

No, I do not support the Inner Harbor (Hillcrest) desalination project. I am concerned that it will damage Corpus Christi Bay, which is why the City should conduct a far field model of its environmental impact. I also am concerned that desal will dramatically increase residential water rates (as it has in California), even though the City admits that the produced water will be used to attract still more industry into the region. The Coastal Bend has become much more heavily industrialized in the past decade with little apparent benefit to Corpus Christi. Do we wish to be Texas City? 

 What is the biggest thing the current city government currently does well?  

The City provides strong support for the Police Department, and I endorse this strong support because a fully-staffed police force reduces work-related stress for officers, which benefits the larger population. Despite that support and the recent increases in the size of the police force, calls to the police continue to grow, suggesting that additional steps are needed to deter crime in Corpus Christi. The City should explore all research-based crime prevention measures. 

 What is the biggest issue in Corpus Christi? 

The biggest issue in Corpus Christi is a lack of trust in city government. Too often, decisions are made away from the public eye, allowing no public input into the governing process. Government is an agreement to live according to certain rules or laws, and the lack of transparency weakens the public’s commitment to that agreement because people feel that the City dictates to them rather than representing their interests. Public awareness of and accessibility to city services and the responsiveness of city officials also contribute to this trust. I have and will continue to emphasize the issue of trust.  

Rachel Caballero

Do you support the Inner Harbor Desalination Project? (Please answer yes or no and then give your reasoning.) 

No. I am against the five experimental desalination plants proposed within our enclosed Corpus Christi Bay system. The Port of Corpus Christi conducted a far field modeling that proved the desal plant location would be detrimental to our sea life due to over salinity. They decided not to pursue the La Quinta channel location for this reason. CCW is refusing to consider and use the results of this modeling. As the minority user of water at 18%, the community does not need the water. Industry needs it for expansion. They should pay for it and it the discharge should go way out into the Gulf. 

What is the biggest thing the current city government currently does well?  

They have worked jointly to make sure that public safety is a priority. They have also supposed the Downtown Management District that is helping the downtown area grow and be an area that the rest of the city can enjoy and come together.

What is the biggest issue in Corpus Christi? 

Desalination. I am extremely concerned of the detrimental impacts this is going to have to our sea life, our tourism, our way of life here and the negative financial impact this will have on our water bills and electric bills. We need to be good stewards of our tax dollars. Desalination has a current price tag of $757 MILLION. The city has been unwilling to provide true estimations of the impact of this cost to our water rates over the next five years, the cost of the operations and maintenance after it is built, or the electrical impact to our grid.  

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