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While most Prop A talk has revolved around the convention center complex, it also includes several other upgrades

The airport, and local parks and streets would also benefit from the measure, city officials said.
Credit: KIII file photo

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — The major project in Proposition A, which would repurpose a portion of our sales tax, has gotten most of the attention in discussions about the initiative, but there are other projects that also stand to benefit from the change.

Two existing sales taxes nearing retirement – an eighth of a cent dedicated to the Seawall, and an eighth of a cent committed to the American Bank Center -- would be replaced with a quarter-cent sales tax that would go to improvements for an expanded list of eligible projects.

"Within the Prop A, which is being considered by the voters, is funding for regional parks, funding for commercial and industrial streets, funding for the American Bank Center as a complex -- which includes the Seawall, and funding for the airport,” said Asst. Corpus Christi City Manager Heather Hurlbert said. “For increased flights, direct flights, flights to-and-from the airport."

All of those projects are currently funded by the city’s general fund, but repurposing the sales tax would give these projects a boost and allow completion sooner.

The Corpus Christi International Airport, which receives no money from the city to operate, would have to search for private-sector contributions to increase its offer of guaranteed profits to entice airlines to add local flights.

"So without this influx from Prop A, it will take us several years to get the money we need for minimum revenue guarantees," said Corpus Christi International Airport’s Aviation Director Kevin Smith.

Under “Prop A,” the regional parks would get increased funding for shade structures, picnic tables, BBQ equipment, athletic facilities, pickleball courts, trail development, new restrooms, and aquatic amenities.

“If funding for improvements through Proposition A is not approved, the Department will seek funding for park improvements through the City's budget process each year,” said Corpus Chrisi Parks and Recreation director Robert Dodd in a statement. 

While these are all part of “Prop A,” the biggest project everyone has been talking about is building a complete convention center complex, including a hotel to be operated privately.

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