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U.S. Border Patrol Agents make another rescue from a dangerous human smuggling attempt on a train

It was later discovered that the individual also tested positive for the COVID-19 virus and he remains in Border Patrol's custody pending his recovery.
Credit: US Border Patrol

LAREDO, Texas — U.S. Border Patrol Agents from the Hebbronville Station rescued several individuals as they attempted to enter the United States by train just east of Hebbronville, Texas.

Agents say during a routine freight train check shortly after noon on September 3, authorities observed several individuals jumping off a grain hopper train car into some nearby brush.  

"Agents quickly responded and discovered 11 individuals inside the grain hopper where the temperature was recorded as being 106.3 degrees Fahrenheit. None had any personal protective equipment (PPE).  As agents quickly pulled the individuals out of the hopper, they noticed one was disoriented and in need of medical attention. He lost consciousness while on top of the railroad car," stated Border Patrol Agents. 

Border Patrol EMTs quickly began treating the individual to stabilize him.  

"EMTs determined that the individual needed further medical attention and requested EMS to airlift the individual to the nearest hospital. The individual, who had entered illegally into the United States from the country of Mexico, is currently being treated at a local hospital’s intensive care unit," said officials. 

According to agents, it was later discovered that the individual also tested positive for the COVID-19 virus and he remains in Border Patrol's custody pending his recovery.

The other 10 individuals were determined to be in the United States illegally from the country of Mexico and were taken into custody by the U.S. Border Patrol also. 

The Laredo Sector Border Patrol continues to warn citizens against the dangers of people crossing illegally into the United States and furthering their entry through dangerous and hazardous situations. 

Laredo Sector Chief Patrol Agent Matthew J. Hudak said, “If not for the lifesaving efforts of these agents, the outcome would have been more tragic. Our agents put their safety at risk every day to enforce our laws and often have to rescue those who have violated the law.” 

With a noted increase in COVID-19 infections among detainees, smugglers continue showing their lack of regard for the safety of the people they exploit by placing them in compromising, cramped spaces without regard to high temperatures, PPE, or means of escape.  

"By doing this, human smugglers not only endanger those being smuggled, but they also endanger Border Patrol Agents and communities," added officials.

To report suspicious activity such as alien and/or drug smuggling, download the “USBP Laredo Sector” App or contact the Laredo Sector Border Patrol toll-free at 1-800-343-1994.  

Credit: US Border Patrol
Credit: US Border Patrol
Credit: US Border Patrol

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