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South Texas Little League softball teams play in memory of Uvalde victim Eliahana Cruz Torres

Eliahana never got a chance to play her last softball game.

BEEVILLE, Texas — Fourth grader Eliahana Cruz Torres was looking forward to her last softball game of the season on Tuesday.

"She was very excited about her softball game today. She was kind of nervous," her aunt said. "I talked to her last night and she was kind of nervous, saying that it was her last game and she didn't want softball to end. And she was excited because there were gonna, I guess, announce the ones that made it to all stars. And she was also saying like, 'what if I make it? I'm gonna be so nervous.' And I was like, 'girl you got this. You're gonna be good at it. You got this.' So she was excited."

Eliahana never got to play that last game. She was shot and killed inside her classroom at Robb Elementary School on Tuesday along with 18 of her classmates and two teachers. 

Shortly after the shooting, two South Texas Little League softball teams came together to honor her memory. 

Coaches from the Astros Junior Softball team from Beeville wore shirts with Eliahana's picture during the game. They gathered in a circle with their opponents from Rockport Crush before the game to honor the memory of Eliahana. 

"A little girl named Eliahana Torres, she was in 4th grade, she was only 10 years old. Today was her last softball game. She made all-stars. She's not going to make her game tonight, so guess what? We are going to play for her," coach and parent Lisa Monjaras told the players while taking a knee. "We are going to come out here, we are all going to do our best and we are going to put it down on the softball field for her."

The group then had a moment of silence. 

"She loved softball just like all these girls on this field," Monjaras wrote in a Facebook status. "To all the families affected by this know that their names will always be remembered! The girls played hard for little Eliahana Torres."

Posted by Lisa Monjaras on Wednesday, May 25, 2022

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