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Driving You Crazy: Callaway Dr. vs. Texas Ave.

We continue to look for the bumpiest ride around. Both of these streets are a joke, but which one is worse? Vote now on Twitter!

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Round two of Driving You Crazy is over and we have a winner!

We pit Airport Rd. against Calvin Dr. and the people have spoken. More than 90 percent voted Airport Rd. as the worse of the two.

Credit: 3NEWS

Now, it's time to move on to round three: Callaway Dr. vs. Texas Ave.

We begin with Callaway Dr. at Angus. Hope you didn't eat much, driving down this street will certainly shake up your breakfast! This rollercoaster of a roadway will test your shocks and your patience.

Both streets in both locations are equally disastrous- manhole covers elevated above street level and plenty of patchwork, too.

Credit: 3NEWS

If you're visiting family and friends in this neighborhood, secure all belongings in your ride!

We compare that disaster to this one: Texas Ave. at Reid. This street is truly a disaster running through this neighborhood behind Six Points.

Sidewalks slope into the street and buckle (not ADA compliant at all!). Massive potholes collect and hold any and all rainwater. Mosquitoes vacation here!

Multiple little bumps have been repaired but this thoroughfare is a joke. Avoid it at all costs!

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