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Ingleside on the Bay residents see major flooding, but not inside their homes

Water has covered several residential streets in this coastal city.

INGLESIDE ON THE BAY, Texas — A lack of emergencies signifies the rain wasn't as heavy as was predicted.

3NEWS went to Ingleside on the Bay where a sizable number of the 600 plus residents live on the ship channel at sea level.

Resident Curtis Thomas took the rain in stride. He is one of dozens of residents with homes right along the ship channel where the water has come up to the doorways.

"It's a lot of water," Curtis said "We weren't around here during Harvey, we were in Port A then . . . If you live by the water this can happen."

"Yeah I've seen a lot of weather, I've never wanted to live this close to the water because I was from Northern California, now I'm getting used to it," longtime resident Suzy Wilder said.

Suzy and her husband Steve can see the big ships from their front porch, but haven't been worried too much about the rain.

However, Steve says sightseers are not being careful.

"The one thing I've noticed is the amount of people that have been driving around in this salt water," he said. "You could be putting waves into someone else's house or their garage, it's pretty unthoughtful."

Woodhaven and Bayshore Drives which front the ship channel were both under water Wednesday, but according to Mayor Jo Ann Ehmann the water was not invading homes. She said the rain was not as bad as they feared.  

"I have not heard of anybody having water in their house," Ehmann said. "If the houses are built to code, they should not have any living quarters downstairs. Their garages could be flooded."

Suzy said it's a less painful introduction to what's predicted to be an active hurricane season.  "Any advice for people who live down here," 3NEWS asked. 

"Pick your stuff up, secure it and hold onto your pants, it's comin," She said.

The mayor says her city is prepared in case any resident has an emergency because of the water.

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