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Why we celebrate National Pink day!

June 23rd is National Pink day, a time to celebrate all things pink. First Edition looked back at the history of this color and its influences throughout culture.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — 'Whoever said orange was the new pink is seriously disturbed,' Elle Woods from 'Legally Blonde'. June, 23rd is National Pink day! This color has a lot of history.
In the 1700s, men who wore pink clothing were considered masculine. Then in the 1940s baby boomers assigned gender roles to colors; pink for girls and blue for boys.
In 2012, Canada created 'International Day of Pink', in response to homophobic and transphobic bullying in schools.
From the song 'Pink' by Aerosmith, to the pop-rocker Pink, to the 80's movie 'Pretty in Pink', and most notably wearing pink for breast cancer awareness - pink is a pop culture phenomenon and not going away anytime soon!

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