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Mail order COVID tests are free of charge: if a website asks you to pay, it's probably a scam

The government funded COVID tests are already covered, so don't get swindled into paying for something you don't have to.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — If you're looking to get your free at-home COVID tests, there's two places to order them. The federal website went live on the 18th, it's www.covidtests.gov.

Also, the White House has gone live with a phone number you can call to place an order that way. It's 800-232-0233.

So the Federal Trade Commission is warning people that anything else is probably a scam, especially if it's asking you to pay.

These four at-home COVID tests are free of charge. Even better, you don't have to pay for shipping. That means it's a big red flag if a website is asking you for payment information.

So just stick to the official channels. It's the best way to protect not only your health, but your wallet too.

You can report these fraud websites to the FTC at ReportFraud.ftc.gov.

For the latest updates on coronavirus in the Coastal Bend, click here.

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