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City issues notice to developer for leaving stretch of Yorktown Boulevard incomplete

Flour Bluff residents living near the upcoming Yorktown Heights development have expressed concern over a stretch of road left damaged since late last year.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Some Flour Bluff residents are upset over the condition of a stretch of Yorktown Boulevard that they say was left damaged by a construction company.

It's located at the site of a development known as Yorktown Heights being worked on by MVR Construction. According to the City of Corpus Christi, they have been reaching out to MVR to repair the strip of roadway, which was excavated back in October of last year.

Residents said the roadway was left in that condition and now becomes excessively muddy during rainy weather, often causing cars to get stuck as they turn into nearby neighborhoods.

Flour Bluff residents such as Merritt Wruble have been trying to reach a solution for a long time.

"I'd like to see this get paved and fixed and safe for everybody and their vehicles to drive over," Wruble said. "And that means paving the road, fixing the shoulders and having it complete."

The City of Corpus Christi released a statement Friday saying they have been in contact with MVR Construction for 60 days and that because the company has failed to fix the road in that time, the City will now be issuing a notice of Incomplete and Defective Excavation. This means MVR will have five days to fix the right-of-way otherwise the City will do it themselves and bill the company later.

The City said this could also result in MVR not being able to move forward on the next phase of their Yorktown Heights development.

3News reached out to MVR Construction but they declined to comment.

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