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Mathis police chief fired; Roush tells 3NEWS he was unaware of dismissal Friday afternoon

Allegations of missing drugs at Mathis PD led to the decision.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Mathis City Manager Cedric Davis told 3NEWS police chief Scott Roush was fired Friday after the Texas Rangers were brought in to investigate claims of missing drugs from the evidence locker at the Mathis Police Department.

Davis said the dismissal was effective at 9 a.m. Friday, and that Roush had been sent an e-mail and certified mail notifying him of the decision.

When 3NEWS spoke with Roush at about 4:30 p.m. Friday, he said he was completely unaware of his firing.

Focus turned to the chief because he was the only person with a key to the locker. When 3NEWS originally reported this story Thursday, he was on paid administrative leave.

Scott Roush has been the Police Chief in Mathis for nearly 5 years. Back in 2021, he was accused by one officer of removing Viagra pills from the evidence room. The Chief was eventually cleared of any wrongdoing. Now, someone outside of law enforcement says drugs are missing again.  

3NEWS asked Roush about the charge.

"I got a phone call the other day from one of the police officers saying 'You know that evidence room is not secure, everybody gets in there with a pocket knife.' And I'm like 'A pocket knife?' If I'm the only one supposedly who has a key to the evidence room, how are they getting in and saying things are missing," Roush said.

San Patricio County District Attorney Sam Smith told 3NEWS that the accusations did not come from someone who had been in the evidence room.

"The allegations were reported by a third party not involved with law enforcement," Smith said.

Davis, who is in his second month as city manager, said he is doing his own investigation.

"I'm having to investigate it for what rules, policies and practices were violated under our handbook and that's my role in that," Davis said.

Roush admitted that his evidence room is a mess.

"There's open narcotics just laying around on the floor with no tags or bags," Roush said. "It's in poor shape. And inside I have been the biggest critic of that evidence room since I have started. I don't believe there's any drugs missing at all, I just think you can't find it because of the clutter and the condition of the evidence room."

If it's found that drugs are indeed missing from the evidence room, the district attorney said his office might have to look at all of the Mathis Police drug cases from the past five years. Some of those cases could end up being dismissed.

Smith added that if there is any criminal wrongdoing by the chief, charges will be filed against him. 

Digital director Ana Tamez contributed to this story.

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