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Aransas Pass railroad gets reactivated after nearly 20 years

Some residents have already reported a train passing through on the way towards Rockport.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Residents and officials showed excitement about the reactivation of the Aransas Pass railroad. 

"It seems to be a good idea because it'll bring more jobs to the area," said area resident Victor Filario. 

Encouraged by the recent news, other residents shared Filario's excitement about the railroads' reactivation. 

"It's going to bring a lot of business to the area. So that's pretty nice," said area resident Mike Gortemiller. 

We learned that Rockport Terminals, a company in Rockport that moves petrochemicals is behind the reactivation of the spur line by Union Pacific Railroad, which owns it. 

Eric Blanchard, Police Chief for Aransas Pass, announced the news on the City's Facebook page. 

AP Railroad gets Reactivated. Here is what you need to know, AP!

Posted by Aransas Pass Police Department on Tuesday, May 10, 2022

"The concern is that we're not ready for a train that could be impending on that approach if you're not paying attention and you're not listening. We're trying to get the word out," Blanchard said. 

He added that there is concern about motorists towing boats to and from the Marina and not paying attention to the poorly marked crossing. 

Some residents have already reported a train passing through on the way towards Rockport, and City Manager Gary Edwards said it's great news for the future of the City. 

"It's been so long since trains have gone through there, even though it's only a spur, it's been so long that people have forgotten that they need to be very safe when crossing those tracks," Edwards said. 

The City has the option to put more warning signs if they find it necessary. 

Union Pacific Railroad spoke with 3News and said that work on active safety warning systems is underway at three railroad crossings. Lights and gates are also stationed at Wilson, Goodnight, and Beasley Streets. Meanwhile, a flagger will be stationed at each crossing for driver.

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