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Blood donor shares testimony to encourage others to give blood

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CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — According to the red cross, someone will need a blood transfusion every two seconds in the United States. Corpus Christi resident Andrew Phillips knows those who need donations can very well be one of your loved ones.

"It really struck me when my wife had to have platelets, and the way I look at it, somebody was there when she needed it, so I try to be there when somebody else needs it," Phillips said.

He knew he had to help his wife through her medical needs, but the donation process was certainly not new to him.

"I started donating blood when I was in the army which was over 50 years ago and I've donated over 7 gallons," Phillips said.

He took a temporary pause after the army, due to various surgeries and jumped right back into lifesaving after learning of his wife's situation. 

"I came into the blood bank and they said they needed platelets more than they needed blood," he said.

Patients with cancer, like Phillips' wife, typically need platelets and that's what encouraged him to give even more blood than a traditional blood donation requires.

"A lot of people can't do it because of the time it takes to do it," he said. "Donating blood just takes 10 to 15 minutes, but platelets takes up to two hours or more."

Phillips has been giving platelets specifically for about 2 years now.

"So, I come in about every 2 weeks," he said. "From what they tell me you can do it weekly, but you can only do it 26 times a year, so that comes out to every two weeks."

The process is swift and one that he enjoys doing. 

"So I just sit here and watch TV and play with my iPad and that's it," he said.

After asking Phillips if he had any goals that he intends on reaching he said, "I'm in good health now. And as long as I can [donate], then I plan to continue."

While the families are grateful for the blood donations, Phillips receives personal satisfaction as well.

"It's a good feeling too, good feeling to know you're doing something for somebody," he said.

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