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Commodores Bridge, Whitecap NPI not set back by Tropical Storm Alberto

According to officials, both projects suffered minor erosion and are still on track for their original completion dates.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Islanders out on Padre Island might have noticed water inside the Commodores Bridge project. Developers say that water is the remnants of the high tide brought in by Tropical Storm Alberto last week.

"The Commodores Bridge project fared really well," Jeff Coym, Vice President of LJA Engineering said. "They had little to no damage out there."

He oversees the Commodores Bridge project taking place on Padre Island. The $9.2 million project is still in its early stages, but according to Coym, Tropical Storm Alberto didn't set them back too much.

"A little bit of storm surge that came through, but real minor erosion on that particular project," he said. "Everything is good out there may have set up back a week or two."


Speaking of surges, Coym says he is aware of some of the bulkheads that were built on the Lake Padre side going underwater during the tropical storm, but not the Whitecap development.

"We've spent a lot of time in design to make sure engineering-wise it's practical and it works," Marketing Partner for Whitecap NPI Arnie Seitel said.

Seitel said that his highly anticipated project was also not disrupted by Alberto.

As for the next steps for Commodores Bridge, Coym says there should be a lot happening in the next couple of months.

"The next things you're going to see are what they call the drilled foundation shafts, that's what supports the bridge deck above and those will start going up in the next month or two." Coym said. "Then you'll see things start to come out of the ground and go vertical." 

As for the ponding water, Coym expects that to clear out in the next couple of days.

The bridge is still expected to be finished in the first or second quarter of 2025.

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