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'Quick thinking'| 5-year-old girl alerts mom to house fire on Pecan Street

The young girl helped her family evacuate after learning about fire safety during a recent school visit from Corpus Christi Fire Department.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — A young girl is being called a hero Wednesday morning after alerting her mother to a fire in their house.

Crews arrived at Pecan Street off Carroll Lane just before 8 a.m. to find smoke coming from the house.

Investigators say a five-year old girl inside notified her mother as to what was going on which led to a call to 911.

There is significant damage to the back of the home, but crews say they were most impressed with the young girl's quick thinking.

Both the family and the crews sent to put out the fire made it out safely.

The mother inside said her daughter did the right thing after learning about fire safety following a school visit to from Corpus Christi Fire Department.

Battalion Chief David Seanz said he could not be happier with the young girl's fast thinking.

"I'm very proud of her. Very good. I'm very proud of her," Seanz said.

Battalion Chief Michael Schmidt said crews were also battling the South Texas heat.

"We go through probably a pallet of water a month just with the number of fires we make, emergency calls we make and just keeping everybody hydrated on scene," Schmidt said. "We probably went through ten packs of waters just here today and we're very fortunate it hasn't even hit 90 degrees yet."

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