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Retired educators rejoice as voters approve Proposition 9

Dr. Gloria Castro Montalvo spent nearly 40 years in education and said that Prop 9's passage is a big win for educators.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — 84 percent of Texans overwhelmingly voted in favor of Proposition 9, a proposition that will give retired teachers and public school employees an increase in their monthly retirement checks. 

Depending on their retirement date, retirees will receive a permanent two, four, or six percent increase in their pensions.

Nancy Vera, president of the Corpus Christi chapter of the American Federation of Teachers said this raise is long overdue. 

"You know, it just warms my heart because teachers right now, and in the past have sacrificed so much of their own lives for the lives of our students and our families," she said. 

With Prop 9 passing, a total of $3.3 billion will be making its way from the state's budget into the Teacher Retirement System of Texas. 

Vera said that the amount of support that Texas showed for teachers at the ballot on election day gives her hope for the future of retired educators.

"In such hard times, as we're having now with so many unkind things going on in the world, it's good to know we're still taking care of our teachers even after retirement," Vera said.

Gloria Castro Montalvo spent nearly 40 years in education. She worked 29 years as a school counselor and 10 years a teacher. She said that Prop 9 passage is a big win 

"Every time you strengthen the public schools in anyway, whether it's through the retirement system, whether it's through pay raises, you are strengthening our educational system," she said. 

The Texas Retired Teachers Association reports that around 420,000 retirees will be benefitting from Prop 9’s passage.  

With the cost of living continuing to rise and inflation making people's financial situations more difficult, Montalvo said that prop nine will ease retiree's struggles. 

"It means that they will have an easier time meeting their needs, their food, their doctor bills, whatever is a priority on their agenda," she said. 

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