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Ronald McDonald House Charities receives $62K to help South Texas families

The 'Share the Love Campaign' raised about $12,000 more than its initial year and will benefit families with children at Driscoll Children's Hospital.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Local McDonald's owners delivered a $62,806 check to Ronald McDonald House Charities South Texas on Tuesday. The proceeds came from the "Share the Love Campaign," which first took place this past February. 

During the campaign, customers made whatever contributions they could afford -- even as low as just a dollar -- when visiting McDonald's restaurants in south and central Texas.

In just its second year, the fundraiser far exceeded the $50,638 raised last year!

"One dollar here, one dollar there, adds up and it provides for a family to stay here at the Ronald McDonald House," McDonald's Owner-Operator Anna Oquin said.

As of today, the RMHC is serving 25 families with 19 families on the waiting list.

"It's extremely touching to know that you know our community, our owner-operators are supporting such a great cause," Oquin said. "Because the little girl said that she feels like she's at home here and not at the hospital."

"Me personally, I've been here 12 years," RMHC CEO Michelle Horne said. "The smallest child I've ever seen or known to be born here was 11 ounces and walked out of here at 11 months old with his family."

Ensuring that families stay together has a multitude of benefits.

RELATED: Donors needed to fund new multi-million dollar Ronald McDonald House in Corpus Christi

"I have a family right now who has a teenage boy, who was just here with mom, and you know he was really struggling," Horne said. "But when they brought his siblings up to visit when the summer break came, all of a sudden, he got better; because families heal when they're together."

Although the Share the Love campaign has ended, you can still help these families and children stay close to their doctors at Driscoll Children's Hospital. For every Happy Meal purchased at your local McDonald's, one penny of the proceeds go right back into this loving organization!

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