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City celebrates ribbon-cutting ceremony for West Guth Skatepark

The skatepark is just one of several new additions at West Guth Park, courtesy of the $1.7 million Bond 2020 program.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — After being put on pause thanks to Tropical Storm Alberto, the city finally got to celebrate the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the West Guth Skatepark on Wednesday.

The skatepark is just one of several new additions to West Guth Park, courtesy of the $1.7 million Bond 2020 program which also included the addition of picnic and shade structures, ADA accessible walkways and improvements to the park's playground!

While it's Corpus Christi's third skatepark, West Guth is the very first to be modeled in a modern "plaza" style that resembles a city street.

City Councilmember for District 1 Everett Roy said this feature is sure to drive visitors from all over South Texas to the area.


"The nice thing about that is that you're going to get people who are going to come from all over, from even South Texas, I would believe, to come here and check this skatepark out," Roy said. "And that's awesome because that says a lot about our growing community, it says a lot about the things that we're doing, and that says a lot about what we care about."

Alex Martinez Jr. has been riding since 1998 and was an advocate for the much needed space. 

"It makes me feel good to know that we got something for the next generation coming up," Martinez said. "That they don't have to go through what we went through, you know what I mean, fighting for this and it's finally like a miracle happening."

He's excited for the next generation of skaters to enjoy the skatepark and wants people to know everyone can enjoy it.

Next on the city's agenda: a police sub-station near West Guth Park, and further improvements to The Island.

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