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North Beach roads closed due to flooding Monday

"They barricade almost every road that goes to the beach, because the parking lots are under water," one North Beach resident said.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Residents who live on North Beach said drainage solutions there can't happen soon enough after all the recent rain caused flooding and road closures.

For those who call this part of the city home, it's almost expected every time it rains.

Residents get by, but are still patiently waiting for a permanent solution to become a reality.

Puddles at one RV park show where flood waters have receded in the hours following heavy rains on North Beach.

Cassie Spaith said she's lived here for less than a year, but has already dealt with flooding more times than she can count.

"My boots are not tall enough to stay out of the water! It's pretty bad," she said. "One of the biggest problem spots for this area is the back road I believe is Seagull on the end of Surfboard Avenue there is a storm drain and a lot more that are completely blocked."

3NEWS went to the drain she was talking about and found it full of sand.

"They barricade almost every road that goes down that street to the right, that goes to the beach, because the parking lots are under water," Spaith said. "And then at Dolphin Park where I try to take my dogs, because it's lovely, but most of the time it's under water," 

At Gulf Breeze and Neal Street, the city planted barricades at a strip of roadway next to the Breakers that leads to the beach.

Gulf Breeze and Sandbar, at Dolphin Park was also closed off.

3NEWS also found water covering the roadway at Golf and Surfside, as well as at Stewart and Surfside.

Resident Bob Catalano lives next door.

"You can't get to the beach for starters," Catalano said. "You can't see this, but I've got to bring my trashcans, because the trucks won't go down there, they barricade this, I've got to wheel them all the way out here, that's one of the problems."

The area getting anywhere between one to two inches of rain.

Catalano said it's worse when there's also a high tide. 

"The water storm system is clogged over here, this will stay what you see behind me, will stay for a week 10 days like that," said Catalano.

It was back in October when residents out on North Beach got an update from the engineer working on drainage solutions there.

Something that would include a canal system that would act like a detention pond.  There are also plans to elevate streets.

$14 million dollars has been secured to get the project done.

Meantime, Catalano is looking forward to the day he won't have to deal with trouble spots like the street next to him.

A 60 percent design for the drainage plan is expected to be turned into the city by the end of January.

From there it will be looked over by city staff and then presented to North Beach residents most likely in the spring.

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