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Damage on Gypsy Street bridge sparks concern for Island residents

Assistant City Manager Neiman Young said an item to make repairs to the bridge will be presented to council at the next meeting.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — City administrators are working to address the concerns many on The Island have had over the condition of the Gypsy Street bridge, located just down from Whitecap.

The City admits it needs to do some work to keep this bridge from becoming a bigger problem in the future.

Assistant City Manager Neiman Young said the City doesn't believe Tropical Storm Alberto caused any of the damage.

"Gypsy Bridge is experiencing some scouring, but that is a preexisting condition and it's an issue we're working on addressing," Young said. "In fact, we have an item coming to council at the next meeting to do repairs to the bridge which would place riprap and mitigate additional further deterioration of the foundation of the bridge."

He added that city engineers and engineering consultants have taken a close look at the bridge and it's been judged to be safe for travel as of now.

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