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KEDT's 'Mister Rogers Red Sweater Kids Day' teaches kids about first responders

Safe to say it was a 'beautiful day in the neighborhood,' as area kiddos learned about the environment, met first responders and talked with PBS characters!

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Public television station, KEDT hosted their family-friendly 'Mister Rogers Red Sweater Kids Day' event.

There were plenty of hands-on activities provided by community organizations.

Children were able to learn about the environment, meet local first responders AND their favorite PBS characters.

There were about 2,000 people who came out to the event.

Kids were able to learn more about the life and jobs of first responders who help serve our community. 

"This is a different version of our kids' festival," Don Dunlap, KEDT president and general manager said. "This one is a little bit more focused on exposing kids to people that provide services in the community, like police chief, firemen, the people from the Coast Guard, people that work with wildlife, the people form our national seashore."

"So, it's a little bit more focused on the jobs that help people. Pretty much in theme with Mr. Rogers' neighborhood."

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