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Women's History Month: Meet the 'Mother of Thanksgiving,' Sarah Josepha Hale

Hale is also the mind behind the 'Mary Had a Little Lamb' nursery rhyme.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — We want to introduce you to a historical figure you may not be aware of in honor of Women's History Month. 

This week we are looking at the life of Sarah Josepha Hale, a woman who made an impact on our nation. 

Hale was an American writer, activist, and editor of the most widely circulated magazine in the period before the Civil War, Godey's Lady's Book.

Hale, who was nicknamed the 'Mother of Thanksgiving,' for her role in making it a national holiday, advocated education for women and opportunities for them to teach, although she always remained apart from formal feminist movements.

Women pooled together money to buy Hale's highly anticipated magazine in groups. She was one of the first female magazine editors and even wrote the nursery rhyme 'Mary Had a Little Lamb!'

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