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South Texas ranchers could see reimbursement for damages from migrant passing thanks to new state program

"If they have damage as a result of the immigration issue they can apply for being reimbursed," Judge Eric Ramos said. "We currently don't have that in place."

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — For years South Texas ranchers and property owners have complained about migrants passing through their land and leaving a wake of destruction.

On Monday, the South Texas Property Rights Association met with law enforcement to discuss a program that could offer reimbursement options for property owners. 

It's all part of Senate Bill 1133. 

Brooks County Judge Eric Ramos said that broken fences and property damage aren't just minor inconveniences, but impact the livelihood of those who own them. 

"If they have damage as a result of the immigration issue they can apply for being reimbursed," Ramos said. "We currently don't have that in place."  

He said the program helps shoulder the financial burden landowners face from migrant travel.

"We are now offering them up to $75,000, per incident, depending on what the damages are," he said. 

Those damages can range in severity. 

"Livestock being killed, and recently, we've seen them use fire…they'll start a fire," he said.

Falfurrias farmer Larry Boykin said those damages can directly impact a farmer's day-to-day life.

"You tear down a fence, you can't go out there and fix a fence for $50 anymore; you can't replace a tractor for $500," Boykin said. "It all cost lots of money."  

Officials at the meeting said the issue of migrants damaging property is felt all over South Texas. Lawmen from as far as Goliad County made the two-hour drive to Falfurrias to learn more about the program. 

"This is putting some of the cattle raisers at risk of going out of business because of the expense taking place because of the open border," Goliad County Sheriff Roy Boyd said.

It's a situation Boykin said he wants to see fixed with more permanent solutions.

"This is going to help the farmers and ranchers, but that's a Band-Aid," he said. "The idea is to stop it." 

For more information about the program, click here.

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